The Student Room Group
Reply 1
What are the most important things that you need to do to start a family body wise to start with?

Well first things first, you'll need a womb anthony.
ur like obsessed with having babies or somethin
Reply 3
Think he wants a baby?!! Cut out cigarettes and alcohol as this can be damaging to the foetus, same goes for males as sperm should be healthy.
the woman should take folic acid a few weeks before conception, and during the first few months of pregnancy. doesnt help conceive i dont think so not much help, but increases the chances of the baby being healthy in the womb
Reply 5
the woman should take folic acid a few weeks before conception, and during the first few months of pregnancy. doesnt help conceive i dont think so not much help, but increases the chances of the baby being healthy in the womb

Helps prevent spina bifida, but not 100%. Take well in advance, practically as soon as you are thinking about becoming pregnant.
Cut out smoking and alkohol, do not use medication unless prescribed and always tell the doc you are trying for a baby.
Reply 6
the booze the fags can really only be a good thing to do when trying for a baby booze and fags when pregnant can only really harm the baby even if the fella stops slows down either the only best thing for them both when the baby is born.
Reply 7
the booze the fags can really only be a good thing to do when trying for a baby booze and fags when pregnant can only really harm the baby even if the fella stops slows down either the only best thing for them both when the baby is born.

I don't understand a word of this, or the reason for this thread tbh. You being male and all :s-smilie:
First of all - being a woman does indeed help :wink:

The woman should ideally be of average weight - not underweight and not overweight.

Ideally the woman should be in her twenties. Later than that, there is more chance of miscarriage. If the woman is over 35 the risk of having a baby with downs syndrome is increased also.

The stuff that people have said already about alcohol, cigarettes (all drugs in fact), and folic acid is spot on. Folic acid should be taken whilst trying to conceive, up until a minimum time of 12 weeks into the pregnancy. Leisure is right it helps prevent against spina bifida.

Once the woman is pregnant there are loads of things to avoid eating:

Soft cheese (brie etc) - although cheese spreads and stuff are fine.
Unpasturised milk.
Raw/soft yolked eggs
Raw or undercooked fish/shellfish
Tuna (and other fish that may contain mercury - usually oily fish although mackerel is fine).
Large quantities of caffeine
Artificial sweetener (esp. Aspartame) - although there is speculation about this.

Also it's recommended that the woman try and avoid peanuts incase the baby is allergic to them, but it's not a hard-and-fast rule.

Other than that, whilst pregnant the woman must avoid coming into contact with sheep, and must not clean out cat litter trays.

Carrying heavy objects of course is not advisable, and the woman is recommended to keep her legs propped up when relaxing as much as possible to avoid swelling around the ankles.

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head :wink:

Edited To Add: the man is best off quitting smoking also as it has been pointed out by others already. Not only for the sake of having healthy sperm, but also for the sake of ensuring that his partner does not inhale second hand smoke.
Reply 9
xena just wondering, how are you coping with being at uni and having a daughter + being pregnant?
What are the most important things that you need to do to start a family body wise to start with?

Well, first things first, you need a lady friend, and she has to be willing. :smile:
This thread is 8 months old
Reply 12
What are the most important things that you need to do to start a family body wise to start with?

Why OP, are you bringing up all your old threads and why do hardly any of them make any sense?? like your attractive one and the one on a train or something
xena just wondering, how are you coping with being at uni and having a daughter + being pregnant?

lol with great difficulty.

Nah it's not so bad. It was my choice to become pregnant with number 2 so I can't complain. It just requires a) a bit of organisation, and b) a mother who kindly babysits for me whilst I'm in lessons.

I get work done (essays and such) when my daughter is sleeping.

Being pregnant I haven't found is a big problem. I can still get to classes and such the same as ever.
Only issue is that when it comes to exam time if I'm hugely pregnant I get backache from sitting still for so long, but I've arranged to take my exams in the special circumstances room so I get a comfy chair and I can stand up and have a walk about if I start aching.

I think that when I go back to uni (I'm taking next year off), my daughter will be 3 and my son will be 1, so it'll probably require even more organisation - there's no guarantee they will sleep at the same time to let me get my work done! I'm going to try and get my son into a steady sleeping routine as early as possible. I'm hoping that by the age of 1 that should be sorted but I guess I'll have to wait and see :smile:

I don't get to socialise of course like other students, but what I've got is worth it so it's all good :smile:
It's my life
This thread is 8 months old

wow I totally didn't notice that. Blah I wouldn't have replied had I noticed.