The Student Room Group

Seem to only lose fat from my face and not my stomach whats wrong?

Im a regular jogger have been for about a year and a bit now..trouble is i seem to be losing fat from my face and not my stomach. If you were to look at my face you would think im too skinny...but i have lots of fat on my stomach which doesnt make sense. Obviously i know you cannot sport reduce (infact im not trying to!) but this seems to be the case i doing something wrong i dont want to lose fat from my face anymore.
I am considering seeing a nutritionalist or something becase i dont feel happy about my facial appearance..i think its too slim.
In the past when ive gained weight both my stomach and face gained fat now when i try to lose fat its just the opposite. Soory if ive repeated myself in this post lol but any help will be appreciated :smile:
Reply 1
As you said, you can't spot reduce.

You might just be screwed to have a skinny face if you want a slim stomach.
Reply 2
somebody told me that if you eat fatty/processed foods the fat cant get properly broken down, and automatically gathers around the stomach, so maybe it has something to do with your diet?

but im no dietician, so that could be complete dickens for all i know!
I have got pretty much the same problem.

I have lost a lot of weight over the past 2 years, but I have still got a bit of a stomach that I want to get rid off. I haven't spoken to a dietician about this yet but it's something I would consider.

It's just frustrating when you are losing the weight from your legs, face etc but not your stomach.
Exactly !...can anyone else help?
Reply 5
running doesnt always mean you lose fat on your stomach. A combination of proper diet, aerobic exercise and abdominal training is how you lose a stomach.

Fat loss occurs systemically, meaning that you can’t control where the fat comes from. When you burn fat for energy, you will draw it from all areas of the body, and the first place you tend to put it on will be the last place it comes off.
Reply 6
Try play Hula Hoops...