The Student Room Group

Can't get to sleep! Grrr!

I seriously need to sort myself out - I've got exams in a week's time and I need to get my body clock back to normal.
Over the past few weeks I've been getting to sleep later and later - not necessarily because I've been out all night, I just can't seem to drift off once I'm in bed. I've been getting up at about 11 or 12 (lunch) and going to bed about 1 ish - but lately I don't get to sleep until 4 or 5 and it's getting rediculous. I can't seem to drag myself out of bed in the morning so I'm gonna have big probs next week!
Does anyone have any tips on getting to sleep (besides the obvious ones, reading, relaxing bath etc) or waking up and being able to actually GET up??

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I'd like to know this too. I'm going to bed at 4am - 5am and not waking till 3pm every day. I've been like this for 4 weeks.
Reply 2
Arghh, me too.
Reply 3
One thing you could try, that's worked for me in the past, is pulling an all-nighter, collapsing into bed at about 1900 and waking up the next day around 0700. It kind of shocks your body back into rythm. It might be a tad extreme, but like I said, it's worked for me before.
Reply 4
To kick yourself out of the habit of 5am to 3pm you have to get up at a normal time regardless of how much sleep you've had say 9am. Then stay awake all day go to bed at a reasonable time to sort out your sleeping habits.
Reply 5
The thing is, if I've gone to sleep at 3am and then made myself get up early - say 9am - then I end up falling asleep for a few hours in the afternoon....
Reply 6
Seems to me as if you're on Australian time or something lol so probably the best thing to do - as others have said - is to stay awake all day and night then crash out at around 8 or 9pm. It'll shock your body back into its proper sleeping pattern within about 2 days max. :biggrin:
Reply 7
welcome to my world!

You can never break this, just try not to go to sleep during the day.
Reply 8
Weird and Wonderful
welcome to my world!

You can never break this, just try not to go to sleep during the day.

damnation :mad:

Reply 9
I get this all the time, and when i ahve soemthing coming up i just stay awake all night, all day and then go to sleep around 8pm next night. Wake up around 8-9am next day and then slowly you will get back o normal
Reply 10
damnation :mad:


Well it normally sorts it self out for me. I mean when i have exams i hardly sleep but when i go back to college tis all good and i go back to normal. Normal being waking up at 7am and going to sleep at 1am. However i still don't get any bags under my eyes or look tired! :confused: :p: :biggrin:
Reply 12

no worries :biggrin:
I got told that it works if you set your alarm for a specific time each morning, and then no matter what time you go to bed - get up at that time each day. So when it comes to 11pm you should be feeling tired.
Reply 15
Force yourself to get up at around 8am. You'll feel tired for some of the day but it will also feel like a really long day. You'll feel tired and want to go to Sleep at around 10pm . Go to sleep and you should (fingers crossed) get up around 8/9am ish.
One thing you could try, that's worked for me in the past, is pulling an all-nighter, collapsing into bed at about 1900 and waking up the next day around 0700. It kind of shocks your body back into rythm. It might be a tad extreme, but like I said, it's worked for me before.

This, albeit being rather extreme as stated, is probably the best way, cos by 7pm you'll be knackered.

And once you are in a "normal" cycle, don't use alarm clocks, because they tend to wake you up in deep sleep, which can be quite disorientating and will not wake you up refreshed. The body will naturally wake at the right time given a bit of effort, and will wake from lighter sleep, making you rejuvenated for the day ahead!
Reply 17
Go to bed earlier. Seriously, make sure you are IN BED at 10pm. You wont go to sleep but have the light off and just rest. Within a week or so your body will get used to it and will go to sleep earlier.

Also, dont do anything that takes alot of brain power before bed, as it cant take an hour or so for your brain to wind down
Reply 18
i find im up to about 5-6am some days, what im starting to do now is have a long run really late at night (we got a machine) but each day, earlier than you went to sleep the day before, u get tired, have a warm shower and fall asleep :biggrin:
Twisted Reality
I got told that it works if you set your alarm for a specific time each morning, and then no matter what time you go to bed - get up at that time each day. So when it comes to 11pm you should be feeling tired.

This works. When I started my summer job a few weeks back I had to get up at 6 to get ready and now I find it very hard to sleep past 6, even when I don't need to get up!