You say it was because you were curious that you are looked at his emails, do you think it was more likely that you were suspicious?
It was a very tempting situation that you were put in and, fortunately or unfortunately depending upon how you view it, you were tempted to go through your boyfriend's emails. Many people will say it is wrong, you invaded his privacy etc etc, but how about looking at what you did from a different viewpoint:
- You probably felt you couldn't talk to him about issues such as his exes - IMO, in a relationship you need to be able to talk and discuss whatever is troubling you.
- You probably felt you couldn't completely trust him. If he hadn't decided to finish things with you, he would probably have never been able to trust you completely as he would worry that you would go delving into his emails again. Trusting each other is essential.
- Why should he need to email provocative stuff to his exes? Surely he should be able to be provocative with you and noone else and feel satisfied if he is happy with the relationship.
I accept that I'm making a lot of assumptions by saying the above but they're things that I thought about when reading the OP's post. I like to think about things from a different viewpoint - rather than thinking about how it is wrong and whether you should tell him, think about what you've learnt from your actions and what you found out.
As for whether you should tell him or not - would it benefit him in any way? Could you carry on knowing that you haven't told him? Do you want to give him the chance to explain himself so you have a better understanding of why he keeps in contact with his exes? Just a few questions that you might want to think about.
englishstudent -> I can totally appreciate your viewpoint but how would you feel if you found out things about your partner like the OP did? The OP was in the wrong for what she did but how can you say that the flirtation he had with his exes was "empty." She hasn't spoken to him about what she found so he hasn't been able to explain himself.
pendragon -> You made a rather sweeping statement about the way that people talk about their sex lives. We know very little about the relationship between the OP and her boyfriend. The OP may have made it clear to her boyfriend that what happens sexually between them is kept between them. We just don't know. Why are white lies necessary in relationships? White lies can easily escalate into much more serious lies. Honesty is much more of a safer option.
OP -> Don't dwell on what you've done here. The key to moving on is to accept what you've done, learn from it and, in future relationships, think of alternative ways to find out things about your partner - perhaps talk to them!
Good luck,
[apologies for the amount of babble]