The Student Room Group

my mum's eyes


my mum has some kinda problem with her eyes and nose and it pops up now and then....
Her eyes and nose(inside of her nose) really she want to scratch it all the time...and it's driving her mad.
she been to doctors...they keep giving her all kinds of eye drops that don't help and she's been to the opticians.
Anyone have/heard of similar cases?
I think it's prob some chemical from her eye's dripping into her nose that's causing her nose to irrate..(im no doctor)...that's thinking from that photochemical reaction with eyes, when some people look at the sun it makes's them sneeze.
Anything will be helpful...
cause it irratates it feel good for her when she places...cucumbers or ice bags on her eyes. But wouldn't cooling her eyes make them dry-ish? lead to more irratation?

Reply 1
My mum and I have a similar problem when we have bad allergies. Maybe she should go to the GP and have it checked out for that? Ask her to try antihistamines to see if they work!
Reply 2
I think its when she doesn't get enough sleep aswell...because i've noticed when i don't get enough sleep my eyes sting when i open theres a needle poking me at the back of my eyes.
Reply 3

my mum has some kinda problem with her eyes and nose and it pops up now and then....
Her eyes and nose(inside of her nose) really she want to scratch it all the time...and it's driving her mad.
she been to doctors...they keep giving her all kinds of eye drops that don't help and she's been to the opticians.
Anyone have/heard of similar cases?
I think it's prob some chemical from her eye's dripping into her nose that's causing her nose to irrate..(im no doctor)...that's thinking from that photochemical reaction with eyes, when some people look at the sun it makes's them sneeze.
Anything will be helpful...
cause it irratates it feel good for her when she places...cucumbers or ice bags on her eyes. But wouldn't cooling her eyes make them dry-ish? lead to more irratation?


It sounds like hayfever or any normal airborne allergy to me.

How would anything coming out from her eyes manage to get into her nose without some fairly incredible facial gymnastics?

And if putting cool things on her eyes soothes the irritation then let her do it. When your eyes are really irritated, the tear ducts swell and get blocked off, so they can't wash out what is causing the irritation. Cooling your eyes calms all the inflammation and lets things get back to normal. She just needs to see a doctor and explain this. And don't let her rub her eyes!