The Student Room Group

Two Left Feet....

It's coming to that time of year again, with lots of partying and clubbing involved but I can't dance at all!! It's really never bothered me until now.

I am starting uni and there will be lots of events. I just don't wanna look like an idiot for being the only one sitting down while everyone else is having fun and dancing!

I know it soudns silly but does anyone have any tips / advice on how to dance?? :cool:
Reply 1
You've already written the #1 tip in your answer.

Have fun!

I know the thread focuses on being tall but there's some tips on dancing in there as well.

You really wouldn't be the only person sitting down.
when in doubt, just think...what would zack do?

Episode 1 Series 1 - "Dancing to the Maxx"

A dance contest is hosted by famed Casey Kasem and held at the Max. Zack and Slater both try to obtain Kelly as a dance partner but Slater wins the honor. Zack goes with Jessie. Lisa has someone all lined up for the dance as well, but when she sprains her ankle he backs out. Screech agrees to dance with her in the contest even still. Screech and Lisa win the contest with a new dance known as the "sprain."