The Student Room Group

Your favourite decade and why


your favourite decade

Yeh, so just wondering, which decade do you like best between 1900-2000 (recent decades).

I like the 1940's because of World War 2 - don't get me wrong, i not glad the war occured at all. But, i find it really interesting, i think it's a major part of our country's history, my grandparents went through it and i think it's healthy when humans have to do without - they pull together, make-do, appriciate things so much more, you don't get the same trouble because everyone is out for survival rather than causing grief etc. People were just more considerate in those days too.

So, how about you?

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i like the eighties,
big hair big clothes great music.
but then i lived through them
Reply 2
If I could pick one to be in my teens / twenties, I'd pick the 50s but only coz I imagine it would be like Grease.
Reply 3
1950s - I'm obsessed with the fashion!
The 50s have always intrigued me for the birth of rock and roll and the beginnings of the defining of a section of society as 'youths'. But I dunno about a favorite - hopefully it'll end up as the Noughties, these being my formative years and all, but I doubt it.
Reply 5
'10's - revolution baby :cool:
Reply 6
I suppose we have the output from previous decades to review, so from that perspective this decade is the best.

Hendrix live though? Hmm.
Reply 7
i voted for the 80s because everything looked so bad it must have been great!lol, im just annoyed i was born at the end of the 80's (1989) and missed all of it:frown:
Reply 8
i like the eighties,
big hair big clothes great music.

Spot on! Except for the fact I was born in '87 :>.<:
But it just sounded/looked so much fun and care free!!
The 1990's.

Pokemon, yoyo's, pogs, cheesy boy bands, jelly sandals, tamagotchis.

'Nuff said.
Reply 10
The 80s - amazingly catchy music, and an excellent era of TV!
Reply 11
The 80's.
One word: thrash.
Reply 12
I :suith: the '80s

Reasons: The Breakfast Club, Legend, Labyrinth, Teen Witch, Terminator, Episode V, Willow
need I say more?

I watch too many movies don't I?:frown:
80's a time of turnaround from the depressed Britain of the 1970s and a the basis of all we take for granted today... IMO anyway
Reply 14
Having only experienced the 90s I can't really answer. Being a teen in the 80s could have been fun though, plus it would have made it easier to make it in game development (my chosen career path), but then again I would have been more of an outcast because of it.

And it had good music. Although it had terrible music too. I think I'll stick with the 2000's.
I :suith: the '80s

Reasons: The Breakfast Club, Legend, Labyrinth, Teen Witch, Terminator, Episode V, Willow
need I say more?

I watch too many movies don't I?:frown:

Willow! that scared me so much when she turned that person into a pig. And they had real midget actors (not camera trickery like in LOTRs)

i chose '60. Flower power! protests, Hendrix, Dylan, Beatles (some of them were the 60s anyway. i dunno my pop history very well)
the 90's baby!.. Although I am "technically" an 80s child - for about a week, I grew up in the 90s and I have to say it's the greatest! For my last birthday I had a 90s themed party with the Spice Girls, B*Witched, Backstreet Boys and all that cheesy rubbish that was the wonderfly music at the time. The songs were either really edited pop music about love with an upbeat beat, or a realllllyyy slow ballad. It was the time where 80s fashion was still kinda in - just not the hair-dos, and I mean c'mon, soo much happened in the 90s!

We saw the rise and fall of what is probably the biggest girl band to date, Princess Di died, foot and mouth caught on lol!, the filming buisness just discovered computer animation and the mellenium (well kinda) <3
60's-70's! Go all FLOWER power and stuff and be soooo random...My history teacher got his own lil 70's wall with random colours and dudes with strange hair cuts and the great thing is my teacher looks like Austin powers!
60's-70's! Go all FLOWER power and stuff and be soooo random...My history teacher got his own lil 70's wall with random colours and dudes with strange hair cuts and the great thing is my teacher looks like Austin powers!

Hahaha! Randy baby! yeah but even up until the mid 80s they thought that gayness was a disease, and it was illegal and stuff. Not that I am gay or anything but still...

and we got the first mobile phones in the 90s - huge bricks! ... hardcore!
Hahaha! Randy baby! yeah but even up until the mid 80s they thought that gayness was a disease, and it was illegal and stuff. Not that I am gay or anything but still...

and we got the first mobile phones in the 90s - huge bricks! ... hardcore!

It ok you can come out:biggrin: !

Also come on..Hippys rock! They so much better than what we got now..Chav culture..ROCK ON!