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wierd situation with my best friends

basically my friends A + B are in a relationship. Me and A were very close friends before he started seeing B, but since then I've become a lot closer to B

B is quite insecure, always needs reassurance of herself, and can be quite depressed at times.
A on the other hand is very confident, and has lots of female friends (myself included). He has a bit of a "flirty" nature (but he would never ever cheat) and B doesn't like it. He gets texts from girls calling him "sexy" or saying "they can't wait to see him" and B gets really upset, she's worries he's cheating on her or whatever.

Anyway, I get texts from her, telling me how upset she is, because of what X Y or Z has said to him.

At the same time, I'm getting texts from him saying how he wishes she would trust him, because of her constant paranoia he is cheating on him, is winding him up.

I haven't spoken to A in a while, anyway B is upset again, because of what some girl has said to A. She's tried talking to him about how upset she gets over his "over" girls, but it just ends in an arguement.

She wants me to talk to him tonight, and I said I would, but I regret it sooo much now. Today is there 8th month anniversary, and she wants me to talk to him tonight, after they get in from a celebratory meal! :eek:

I really don't know what to do. I'm afraid that in trying to help them, I'm going to loose one, or both of them as my friend.

(ps, sorry for the annon, but another friend of ours uses this site!)
Reply 1
wel there seems to be 2 options - 1st one is that you do it, but do it in a non-biased way (if poss), try make him see her side of it, but also talk to her and make her see his side of things - be a facilitator, and aid them in trusting each other more.
the 2nd, which is what i would do, is just stay out of it. i know it will be hard as youre already in the middle, but you could do more damage. its something i think that they need to sort out with each other, and havin others inclued could complicate things!

but its you call! hope whatever you do works out well :smile:
Reply 2
Just gently remind him what a gorgeous girlfriend he has and how lucky he is etc etc.
Reply 3
You can either talk to him. Or sit them both down and talk to them both.
Reply 4
Or sit them both down and talk to them both.

Or that :redface: