The Student Room Group

fed up of being overshadowed by my older sister

Im a 17 yr old girl and my older sister is 19 and i feel as though my sister is always overshadowing me. She gets on better with people than i do and people seem to like her when they meet her for the first time, she's had 1 kindof boyfriend who really liked her (but theyve split up now) and she's met someone else who really likes her too, (he said to her she was the most beautiful person he's ever met,or something along those lines) which no one has ever said to me or anything to even imply im not ugly. also to make things worse one of my guy mates (who i had a major crush on a while ago) but he didnt feel the same said to me today he thought my sister was really attractive, which made me feel even worse.
Can anyone give me any advice as to what i should do to stop things like these getting me down?
Reply 1
Perhaps one of the factors of your friends fancying your sister was because he saw her as unattainable. As she was older and a friends sister. I know its hard but remember that you are not in competition with your sister. If you believe you are more confident, others will also believe and they will begin to show an interest in you.
Reply 2
I agree with the above post.

I have two sisters and although i am the eldest i always notice qualities they both have which i don't that attract people. Aswell as MY friends pointing out how gorgeous they both are i have my share of attention because i am confident and know that everybody is attractive in their own way.

If you believe that other people will too.
Reply 3
Were you on the Jeremy Kyle show earlier today?
Reply 4
Who are you talking to Laika?
Reply 5
Were you on the Jeremy Kyle show earlier today?

hell no!
Reply 6
Know the feeling, only in my case it's my younger sister. Looks like a supermodel and has ten million friends, while I spend all day with my computer for company, trying to get it to tell me that I'm not the ugliest, weirdest, most boring person on the planet.

OK, I'm exaggerating. A bit.:biggrin:

But the thing is, there is little you can do other than surround yourself with people who appreciate you for you. And if they like your sister that's OK, as long as they still like you and allow you to complain about her until you're blue in the face.:cool: