The Student Room Group

Hull Uni Accommodation

Where is everybody staying then ?

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Reply 1

Vote for Hull to have its own sub-forum!!
We can do it!!!!

I don't know yet - I only decided today that I wanted to go this year and I forgot to ask the lady on the phone about the important things like student digs and stuff....ooops.
Student houses for me...I'm a bit put off by the dial-up internet connection though...
Student houses for me...I'm a bit put off by the dial-up internet connection though...

oh dear....i would stand for that. i could never go back to dial up again...i hate those old days...:mad: !
oh dear....i would stand for that. i could never go back to dial up again...i hate those old days...:mad: ! looking back...hahaha...would it be expensive to subscribe for private broadband?
i was on the HYMS forums and the students in the hull houses said it is possible to get private broadband
can any one tell me why the heck taylor court flats are like £2000 more than any of the others? I know they're new, but 2 grand! Streuth! lol
can any one tell me why the heck taylor court flats are like £2000 more than any of the others? I know they're new, but 2 grand! Streuth! lol

i think its cos the contract lasts for the whole of the academic year, while the others are either a) cheaper, or b) close down for christmas and easter holidays...
in taylor court, you stay for the whole year, hence its more suitable for int'l or disabled students...
taylor court flats are actually on the campus too, so they're the closest. the others need a bus ride
oh and they have a 50 week (uninterrupted) 15th sept-31aug contract vs 31 (closed for xmas and easter) for the other halls.

student houses are 42 weeks (without interruption) 15th sept-6 jul
Taylor court is totally amazing! Much better than the others, especially if u get up late. It takes like 1 min to get to the law building from there, if that
Taylor court is totally amazing! Much better than the others, especially if u get up late. It takes like 1 min to get to the law building from there, if that

ive got in to taylor court...
I'm in Reckitt.
Nichelson hall . . . anyone else the same?
I got put in a house on cranbrook avenue because the halls etc are full.. Anyone else in one of these houses?
im on cottingham road, a house
does anyone know what BROUG0G2A means in regards to Taylor Court? thats what it says on my form and i don't quite understand what it means!
hayley x
does anyone know what BROUG0G2A means in regards to Taylor Court? thats what it says on my form and i don't quite understand what it means!
hayley x

it basically means the house you've been allocated to within taylor court, have no idea what the name of the house is tho! lol, eg. mine's BRANTG10A, which, after ringing up accommodation, is brantington (i think) house, flat 10A (i assume)...
Reply 19
Nichelson hall . . . anyone else the same?

I'm in Nicholson Hall too

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