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Oh christ, not this again!

"I'm on my period"
Reply 2
if he tries sommthing you stop and say no your on your periods.
shouldnt really be embarrasing.
Reply 3
Didn't we have this a couple of weeks ago? If you don't want to tell him just mention that your stomach's hurting or something. He'll probably get this message! Or if his hands start wandering and you move them he'll probably figure it out.
It's just a natural part of life. If he's grown-up enough not to giggle, he might be worth keeping. :smile:
Reply 5
First of all, just because he "expects sexual stuff" doesn't mean you're under any obligation.

Secondly, if he gets close to the area, just say "it's not the right time for me really, can you wait a week?" or some variation and he should get it. But speaking from personal experience, some men don't mind, and orgasms help to ease cramps.
Reply 6
Just tell, as the above mentioned; if he's any kind of guy he'll be fine with it. It's not embarassing it's just natural.
Reply 7
Reply 8
if he tries sommthing you stop and say no your on your periods.
shouldnt really be embarrasing.

Exactly how my girlfriend told me. It's not a big deal and it's nothing to be embarassed about.
best bet is to be honest, see this thread made a few weeks back for more feedback
Reply 10
why would you want to get sexual on a first date anyway?? I'd tell him to **** off if whether I was on my period or not!
'Im on the rag'
It generally works to me...
what wrong with 'Sorry, wrong time of the month' or 'Im on my period'? most guys I know, who Ive told why are grown up enough to stop whatever they are doing and give me a hug instead. Like today for instance - being tickled and picked up in the middle of a wood is not my idea of fun whilst on my period, so i just said - sorry, not at the moment, im on my period. and he stopped. (we arent going out btw, just really good friends)
Reply 13

as said before, just tell him. my boyfriend always knows because i have a bad tummy and he looks after me good and proper :love:

First of all, just because he "expects sexual stuff" doesn't mean you're under any obligation.

Secondly, if he gets close to the area, just say "it's not the right time for me really, can you wait a week?" or some variation and he should get it. But speaking from personal experience, some men don't mind, and orgasms help to ease cramps.

so messy! omgah.. though yeah, you are right.. good old orgasms!
Yeah just tell him.
"Painters are in."

Reply 16
i like this.. the last thread was only replied to an hour ago.. how the hell did you miss that op? do you not know how to scroll down a page? :p:
Reply 17
tell him it's your "blowjob week"; I'm sure he'll perk up.
Reply 18
sorry, it's red week. No, that doesn't mean brown week.
If it's the first date(s) then tell him he's moving too fast otherwise you should just tell him. You will have to tell him sooner or later, get it over with.