Hull should definitely be given its own student forum, I visited the University yesterday and was impressed at the vast amount of facilities they have for their students.
The people and students were all so very friendly and accommodating and really pleasing to see that they genuinely had enjoyed studying there.
The library and sports facilities and Students Union were certainly one of the best I've seen and the lush green beautiful campus and fresh air and serene landscapes gave the impression that one can really relax and enjoy life there.
I was a bit apprehensive at first, coming all the way from London and haven't had much experience of northern cities, however, upon arriving all my fears vanished as I was greeted by such welcoming and friendly people.
I was upset when I got my A level results of BCC in Biology, Maths, and Chemistry, although I worked hard I really hadn't enjoyed the sciences especially in the A2 year. I'd thought about doing an arts subject or a social science such as Criminology and had considered applying to Hull. Hence, I was delighted to see they still had places on results day and upon speaking to the some of the lecturers on the phone I finally decided to accept Law with Criminology LLB. No doubt, it’s a hard degree and I'll have to work my socks off, but I am now really looking forward to starting there.
We also had time to visit the city centre, and there was much development taking place, the prince quay shopping centre and all the big brand shops and latest fashion. From my visit, I can really see students having a great time there and I am looking forward to meeting all you lovely people going there in Sept

Haven’t had my accommodation confirmed yet but I’ve applied to all the self catering halls at the Lawns so fingers crossed.
Yeh so give HULL a Student Forum they really deserve it! =]