Please bear with me, I'll try to cut a long story short:
I've always been a really academic person, working hard at school... a lot of the time in sacrifice of my social life. Meanwhile, I've always been really close to home and to my family to the extent where I have been 'babied' too much; home is like my security blanket. I didn't have the easiest time at school for parts of my time there: teasing about me being hardworking, everyone considering me 'nice' but not friendship material (although within the past couple of years I've started to make genuine friends), and as a result I have low self-confidence and almost no self-esteem. Meanwhile, I've just acheived all As at A-Level, meeting my 3A offer to study at uni.
However, I've never wanted to study the subject I've applied for - the fact I've been ill with depression this past year hasn't helped - and now I'm at a crossroads... I've contacted my uni to see if I can transfer to the course I think I prefer to do (not immediately related degree-wise, but same 3A offer!), but I'm waiting for a response from them.
Despite this, I'm at a real crossroads: if my transfer is successful, I face the possibility of starting uni this year (although I can turn around and say no to their offer this year), and if not it'll be a gap year. The prospect of going to uni this year terrifies me: I don't feel ready to leave home, nor do I feel I have the energy to basically start from scratch and make new friends, and act confident when deep down I'm an absolutely nervous wreck (and although this is a more minor factor I'm not a big drinker so those sort of nights out are really daunting), plus I've always worked so hard I feel like I don't know who I am other than some grades on a piece of paper. On the other hand, an as yet unplanned gap year seems like an equally lonely road: even though I'd probably work and go on an expedition or two and come across other people that way, I'm afraid it'll be easier said than done: I'm not consistently mixing with others my age, plus I'll still be at home - although I've worked it out with my parents that they won't be so babying towards me.
I feel like it's a case of one extreme or the other, and don't know where to go from here. Can anyone advise? Also, can anyone point me in the direction of any specialist helplines that deal with advising people on uni options?