The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Depends on the girl really, personally i think maybe you should trim it if it's really hairly, but deffo don't wax it'd be kinda creepy to be all smooth and hairless for a guy.
Reply 2
i agree with lalaland, smooth guys is a little too prepubescent. iv never really minded n ive been with hairy n not so hairy, its all good baby!
Must say I prefere non hairy guys! :eek: and hate hairy bums and to an extent legs!

but my boyfriend is quite hairy and I would never ask him to remove the hair.
Reply 4
my friend is DEAD hairy and if i didnt have a boyfriend i'd be all over him! i always hated hairy men but theres just something about his hairyness!
my bf isnt hairy!

it just depends on the girl... plus if ur a nice guy it doesnt matter does it...
Reply 5
im the opposite , i have no hair whatsoever other than the obvious places, its quite annoying.
Hairy men are quite hot.. Isn't it supposed to indicate elivated testosterone levels?

That's what I heard.
Reply 7
Hair/ no hair i dont really mind, although i think that a little bit of hair is really sexy and manly!! lol
if shes looking at your arse im sure hair is the last thing on her mind

theres something wrong about guys waxing and in my experience they usually dont do it often enough and end up stubbly *eeww*. not to mention that your mates would take the piss forever.
I dont think there's anything wrong with men being a bit hairy, definetely wouldn't..and hasn't.. put me off anyone if I liked them :smile:
The porn star look feels better sexually
I don't think many people care that much. Certainly not enough to warrant waxing all that surface area *shudder*...*shudder again*.
If a girl likes you, she likes you. And if you're hairy, she'll like your hair. If you're not, she'll like your baldness.

Otherwise she's shallow and deserves a kick in the teeth.
Hi, I am 18 and going to Uni soon, and I am very conscious about being a bit on the hairy side.

Basically I have hairy legs and buttocks and was wondering whether it would be better to perhaps wax this off???

Personally, no :smile: It's really feminine, I'd run a mile!
Hair's natural, and without it guys would just be creepily feminine. I personally love a reasonable amount of hair (sure, I wouldn't go for someone who looked way too overgrown and and in need of a good trim :tongue: ) - and I'll admit, chest hair does it for me... it's the manliness factor, I think.

But I guess it does depend on the girl... there's those that go for guys with greasy, smooth and unnatural looking chests
Reply 15
to be honest, i think men's leg hair is natural and kinda manly, which i good. BUT im unsure about the buttock's hair. Obviously it makes u uncomfrtable thinking bt it so maybe u need to think wd it make u feel better? more confident perhaps?
Reply 16
having no hair is alot of upkeep! Any girl will tell you that
Reply 17
Well, tis normal for guys to have hairy legs anyway, waxing them would just be odd.

I admit that hairy arse and thighs is not a particularly attractive prospect. But to be honest, by the time a girl is in a situation to see them, I can't imagine she'd be bothered. My boyfriend is pretty hairy, and although I can't say it's a positive attribute, there's no way it'd put me off.
Reply 18
Hairy men are quite hot.. Isn't it supposed to indicate elivated testosterone levels?

That's what I heard.
