i have recently been diagnosed as having dyspraxia (DCD) now its not something i tend to bring into conversation generally, however, its something i have been advised to inform my close friends, family and employers so they understand why i do certain things..
eg, i tend to wear sunglasses inside, or when the suns not bright. that takes some explaining. or if you come up from behind me in a pub, and chat to me, i wont even realise your there, untill you grab my arm or something, to let me know your there.
things such as above end up with me explaining i am dyspraxic, its either that or i look extremely ignorant.
now here is my problem, people will always ask what dyspraxia is. I have no idea what to tell em. "a general state of clumsyness" is a terrible answer to give, and not very accurate at all. telling people its similar to a very mild form of an ASD (autistic spectrum disorder) seems to be going way over the top..
could sum1 give me a good line or two to explain simply and quickly to people what dyspraxia actually is please... i would be ever so gratefull.. its not only kinda embarrasing having to explain it over and over again, and its also annoying. and shoving the printout of the official report in peoples faces is just silly.
anyone out there in a similar boat to me?