During the last three years, I fell in love with a girl. She was the one who first initiated contact and we became really great friends but when she realized I cared for her, she distanced away, giving vague reasons of having been in a panful relationship and not wanting to "lose her freedom again". It was really hard for me to accept at first but I was content to continue our friendship.
She was not, though, and we drifted apart. Early this year, I tried once again and she responded. We've spent some really great time together recently and really, I've never felt so connected with anyone ever. But my past experience with her has left me somewhat scared. I don't want to make any strong statement and she recently moved. We hardly see each other anymore but have maintained contact through email. Like, when I didn't get my university, she stayed online past midnight chatting with me (she usually zones out around 10). We'll be in different universities, very far from each other. I'm not sure if I should continue to live in the hope that someday we will be together, or just forget her (or rather, just think of her as a friend) and begin afresh in univ.
Thank for any advise.