The Student Room Group

Long Distance Relationship

Hi all,

My boyfriend of 9 months has recently left for his RAF Training and we're both finding it really difficult apart but me more than him as he's always occupied.

I know if we can get through his training part (9 weeks) things will get better because he should visit home every weekend but when I'm used to him being around all the time it's really getting me down.

I'm 21 and I live on my own so now he's left my house seems really empty.

I'm also thinking of the future, he has to sign for a minimum of 9 years which would make me 30 before we can settle down properly.

Has anyone found themselves in a similar situation and got any advise?

Reply 1
well i havnt been in that kind of situation but thats for time to tell, i mean if you to really love each other then htere is no way you can't carry on but if not than theres a chance of a break-up
Hi all,

My boyfriend of 9 months has recently left for his RAF Training and we're both finding it really difficult apart but me more than him as he's always occupied.

I know if we can get through his training part (9 weeks) things will get better because he should visit home every weekend but when I'm used to him being around all the time it's really getting me down.

I'm 21 and I live on my own so now he's left my house seems really empty.

I'm also thinking of the future, he has to sign for a minimum of 9 years which would make me 30 before we can settle down properly.

Has anyone found themselves in a similar situation and got any advise?


I haven't found myself in a situation anything like yours before but I would say that from your post you seem pretty confident that things will be fine after this 9 week period.

As for him having to sign on for a minimum of 9 years, well to be honest, it's his life and if he wants to do it, he will. The thing you need to think about is whether you're truly happy to wait until then to settle down. I'm sure you have your own ambitions and dreams that you want to fulfil and it's likely that you could achieve a lot in your life during those 9 years and know that at the end of it you have someone to settle down with.

As for the present time, you don't need to be thinking about the situation excessively. Find things to do to occupy yourself. He's doing things so why can't you? Find something you can really be motivated to do and that will take up some of your time e.g. writing a book, learning a language - that kinda thing.

How does your boyfriend feel about it all? And how would you describe your relationship? 9 months isn't that long if you think that you're potentially going to be with him for nearly 10 years before you can settle down properly.

Good luck,
Not that situation but im at uni and my bf is 180 miles away, he finds it really hard to travel so travel to him most weekends. However im going to be studing for the next few years, puts alot of pressure on.
If you both love each other lots then you will be able to work round it.
Reply 4
Thanks for your replies.

I know 9 months relationship doesn't sound that long but it has been intense from the beginning and we both believe its meant to be.

I think my problem is that I've done all my training because I started straight from school and now I'm a qualified accountant so I'm ready to settle down and up to him leaving that was what it were like.

I'm going to see how it goes if the worst comes to the worst I could always move to where he gets based because he did propose and asked me to go to join him once he's settled but I don't really fancy following his life and ambition like mine doesn't matter.

Maybe I'm justbeing selfish and stubborn or maybe he is. I don't know but I'll see how it goes.