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Reply 1
i'd die.
Reply 2
lol. There is a simpler way, DONT EAT CHOCOLATE!
Reply 3
I would just eat more fruit and drink more water rather than JUST eating and drinking them! An also use some kind of face wash.
Reply 4
lol. There is a simpler way, DONT EAT CHOCOLATE!

i thought it had been proved that chocolate didnt cause spots?
Go on the contraceptive pillor alternatetively try Quinoderm v effective drinking more water helps over a period of 4 weeks
Reply 6
Just wash and dry your face properly every day. With soap if you feel the need. Prevention is better than cure, and far cheaper than these lame products.
Reply 7
Just wash and dry your face properly every day. With soap if you feel the need. Prevention is better than cure, and far cheaper than these lame products.

dont use soap it makes your face go dry :smile:
Reply 8

it's so rich how people giving advice about spots like "wash your face" as if people who have them just sort of smear grease on their own face most mornings and dont bother to rinse off more than once a week


it's so rich how people giving advice about spots like "wash your face" as if people who have them just sort of smear grease on their own face most mornings and dont bother to rinse off more than once a week


Yeah it depends what type of spots they are- acne spots will form no matter how clean you keep your face. However, if they are normal everday spots, try a stronger wash (not too strong or your skin may become sensitive)
Reply 10
haha, AND eating choc certainly doesn't help, but it's not a cause on its own. it's more likely to be hormones in wiiiich case, you'll need oxytetracyclin.
Use the Proactiv system. This stuff REALLY works. This isn't spam, I use this stuff and it's pretty darn good.
Use the Proactiv system. This stuff REALLY works. This isn't spam, I use this stuff and it's pretty darn good.

Proactiv doesnt work for everyone though, especially if the spots are due to hormones. Although is is apparently very good, the best bet is to see your doctor- i was prescribed doxycycline and with 6 days all flareups and small spots had gone! (Im still on it and its getting better every day!) :smile:
Reply 13
mm chocolate.
drink lots of water,exercise and don;t eat high sugar/fat foods,wash your face moisturise etc.If they still are there curse your luck and blame it on hormones
Reply 15
For a week, don't eat any fried foods, and cut back a bit on the sweet foods. Drink as much water as you can, and trust me you will see the difference. You don't need clearasil or anything like that, just do this for a week, and you'll see it.
Reply 16
lol. There is a simpler way, DONT EAT CHOCOLATE!

I'm living proof that the myth about chocolate causing spots just isn't true. I don't actually like chocolate and haven't eaten any since I was about 4 and still, at age 13 I became a breeding ground for those damn things!

To the original poster, by all means try what most people have suggested so far, as it might work for you. But if you are unlucky enough to be like me, the only way to completely get rid of them is with medication.
I know this might sound a bit silly, but try getting a little bit of toothpaste and dab it on the spot, and in the morning it goes away or calms down at least.
I know this might sound a bit silly, but try getting a little bit of toothpaste and dab it on the spot, and in the morning it goes away or calms down at least.

This actually does help
The best toothpaste to use is a plain white one (no gel kind or multi color) with no whitening action.
Tree tea oil is pretty good, I used to swear by it until I at last achieved perfectly clear skin :biggrin: