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Does he really like me for me?

I'm a girl 17 years old in 6th form, I'm in a relationship with this lad 'Tom' who is 20 at uni; were in the early stage of the relationship and only been together for 3 weeks.:smile:

I really like him and out of all the dates I've had; he seems to be my type because he's funny, caring, and we have lots of common. Also this is my first relationship and I do want to take it further...however I'm scared that he might not feel the same way...:vroam:

We talk all the time on msn and also text each other loads.. however he keeps complimenting me, I do like that but it gets too much and i'm beginning to think he only likes me because of my body or looks and not for my personality.:poke:

I'm confused, how do you know whether a lad would like you for who you are? help me out!!! and any ideas? :argh: :idea: :marchmell
Reply 1
does he only want to physical when ur together? or do u have deep and meaningful convos, proper deep convos r hard 2 fake so its likely that he likes u 4 u n ur great looks n body r just a bonus that he likes 2 comment on
Ask him.
Reply 3
does he only want to physical when ur together? or do u have deep and meaningful convos, proper deep convos r hard 2 fake so its likely that he likes u 4 u n ur great looks n body r just a bonus that he likes 2 comment on

We do have deep conversation where we talk about each other life and favourite things :smile: However he does like to be physical with me... cos he has been saying that he likes to kiss me and get me into bed as well... which freaked me out. :eek: :vroam:

I told him that i like to take it slowly and he told me that he would wait whenever I felt like it.. but still he does go on about the physical bits... which makes me curious still...;dry;
Reply 4
easy then, dont do anything more than kissing for a while (month mayb?) and if he sticks around then he dont just want ur body
until your ready do not go further even if he keeps talking about it, take it slow and it will work better, but if he keeps pressuring you then hes only after your body.
Well if this Tom is anything like I was 6 years ago then run for the hills, lady!
speak to him , ask him how you both feel.
Ask him

...and watch for what his eyes tell you, as well as listening to what he says.
Reply 9
tom you say... 20 and at uni?
i hope this isn't your bloke;
^ hehe, I think the fact that she put "Tom" in the OP tells us that Tom isn't his real name :wink:

Some good advice here, and also you have to trust yourself on that one. Don't be pressured to do anything! :smile:
This is always a hard thing to do. Most guys will primarily be interersted in you looks and whatnot (jerks) but will soon develop a genuine interest. If he is just complimenting your loks its nothing to worry about. Most people will hardly compliment your personaltiy. This doesn't mean that he doesn't appreciate it. It is however for most guys to do that.

The only true way to find out is too ask him. If you believe him he is telling the truth. If you WANT to believe him, he is lying.
^ Nice post, very insightful :smile: I'd rep you but I've already repped someone today... Well maybe tomorrow.
Reply 13
Thanks people, these advices helped loads :-) I want to rep some people.. but unfortunately I have no idea how to. lol

Thanks loads again, I appreciated it.
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