The Student Room Group

Everlasting spot

Ok I've just had some fun taking a massive picture of my nose. Basicly I've had a spot on the end of my nose for the past 7 months. It hasn't bothered me because I've been really lucky throughout my teens having no spots.

Anyway more about the spot. I dont think its actually a spot. It has a very slight bump to it, but apart from that is just a red bit on my skin. I've tried various spot things on it but with no success (facial wash, spot cream, gel stuff that you leave on over night).

First off if anyone can identify it, that would be great!

If anyone has any tips, ideas on how to get rid of it, I would appreciate it greatly.

Anyone that comes up with a tip to get rid of it, I'll send you money to buy yourself a drink, and for all its worth you can have my rep. :smile:
Reply 1
i can't see the thing you're on about. it seems to be pretty minute.
Reply 2
Sorry this was the best picture I could take. I know its pretty small, but its constantly in the same place as opposed to regular spots moving around your face. btw I'm not looking for sympathy I'm looking for a solution. Thanks for your interest anyway.
Reply 3
you have fungi growing on your nose. it will need to be amputated.. go go.

nah, seriously, i have spots like that, which don't seem to want to go away too quick. i normally just slap on a face mask and that does the job.. but you are a boy, you will probably get embarrassed using a face mask.


if all else fails, don a clown nose and go about your normal day to day life.
Reply 4
Was a spot there before that? It does not look like a spot is there now, but it looks like the redness still is. Has it faded in colour at all? Or size?
Reply 5
Squeeze, use one of those biore/whatever nose strips, squeeze, use witch stick, squeeze. And it'll go.
The nose strip also takes care of blackheads. I suspect your spot is a blackhead that's settled in nicely. There's probably a tiny bit of dirt deep in the pore that needs to get out.
Reply 6
Thanks for the help people. There may have been a spot there before. I mean this was 7 months ago so who knows. It kinda varies. If I've had a week of binge drinking it will come out just like a clowns nose, though if I'm quite healthy with a bit of a tan you can hardly see it.

Dont think I'll be wearing a face mast to soon though I am open to other girly tips! :smile:
Reply 7
Do you still use the spot creams? If so, does it say that they reduce redness? A lot of spot creams only prevent spots (some are crap and don't even do that), so i'd suggest checking if they reduce redness or not. :smile:
Reply 8
Basicly the spot creams that I have used do **** all. I determined that this isn't a spot. I'm begining to think its a black head thats set up camp (thanks for the tip blissy). I'm looking into those nose strip things. Gonna have a steaming hot bath in a bit then squeeeeze!!!! lol this threads got me motivated again to get rid of it.
Reply 9
everlasting love...