The Student Room Group

My Ex-gf and confused feelings

Hi, thanks for taking the time to read this

Short overview:
- I was with my ex gf for 18 months which culminated in us breaking up in november 04, after which i had a very hard time getting over here for about a year... anywya after a selection of argument we stopped talking until recently when she texted me to wish me a happy birthday.

This afternoon i went out with her and spent 3 hours together and realyl enjoyed it - it seemed like our old arguments were forgotten about. Then she mentioned she had been with her bf for about 6 months.. and it felt like she had crushed my heart again and realise how strong my feelings still are for her... I was even more confused by the fact she was very cuddly today, and that is not 'her' with 'friends' if that makes sense

I don't know what to do for the best really.. any ideas guys?

If you want any more info just ask
It seems like she feels as such a long time has passed without talking, your feelings for her have probably gone. When you went out together today, were you in a group of friends or by yourselves? To be honest it sounds like she's definitely over you, and happy with her new boyfriend...sorry to be so bluntly honest. But - you broke up for a reason, right? Even if you're still not over her it might still be for the best. And about the whole being cuddly, and out-of-character-ish, maybe she's just changed a lot in the past year since you last saw her? People can become more / less affectionate around friends.
Hope that helps a bit.
Well unfortunatly she has a boyfriend now so there's not much you can do, maybe she texted thinking everything would be ok, unfortunatly alot of the times when you start talking to your ex again it will just bring back old feelings and memories, its probably best to cut contact with her if this is how its making you feel.