The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Can i join please? That guy who was so agressive and kept trying to give them lessons was a complete idiot!! Is this soc official? :smile: My mum actually asked to go on that show! I kept teling her i would not let her hehe. Did you watch the first series? x
Edit: I could find it on the socs list... Ohno
Edit 2: Found it! I have joined... well if i'm accepted lol :smile:
Reply 2
i wanna join 2! i really enjoy this programme, it was so funny when that guy brought a chair that you can exercise on. It was stupid!
Reply 3
Dragons den is the best... second maybe to Apprentice but still, I love this program. That exercise chair was ridiculous, the treadmill was about a foot wide.
Who's your favourite dragon and why? I think Duncan Bannetyne (is that how you spell it?) simply for comical value. Although if I was to go into a business partnership with one of them then perhaps that Debra woman would be the best option, some of them are complete jokers.
Reply 4
Theo Paphitis
Reply 5
Hi... hope you all are well,

Just thought I'd say, whatever genius came up with this idea...I commend you. I love this program above I would like to join too, if that is at all possible :biggrin:
many regards

p.s In terms of whose the best dragon, they're all good...but i think richard farley, has a natural talent in investing in sometimes risky, but most likely highly successful ideas :wink:
Reply 6
Dragons Den is one of he only good 'reality' programmes on at the moment. The one with the exercise chair actually had me laughinng out loud. The guy who gave all the dragons lectures on business principles was unintentionally funny as well, also liked that his wife stood there and said about 8 words the entire time. I like the guy who sits on the far right as you look, forget is name now (Mark Jones?)
Reply 7
Peter Jones.
Reply 8
Yep...this society is now the Society section...look for "TSR Dragon's Den Society...", then click the join option...and submit your request... :smile:
Reply 9
I thought the device a few weeks ago that would stop you're bath over flowing was pretty good. I really thought one of them would invest in the exercise chair is it Peter Jones that owns the gyms and things?
Reply 10
No Duncan Bannatyne owns the gyms? There was supposed to be a program on about how he made his millions.
Millie B and *J*...both requests accepted. Welcome to the society! :smile:
Was pretty good tonight really liked the last product but un sure about trying to compete against Apple would you have choosen Debra and Theo over Richard? Also if you had the chance to go into the 'Den' and pitch an idea what would it be? Something wacky like the exercise chair, the cucumber lid thingy or the football golf game?
Reply 13
It's a lid for a cucumber! :eek4:

You have to admit though, he presented it bloody well!

I would love to join :biggrin: :wink:
It's a lid for a cucumber! :eek4:

You have to admit though, he presented it bloody well!

I would love to join :biggrin: :wink:

Accepted. Welcome to the society!! :smile:
Reply 15
sweeeeet :cool:

Did you see a couple of weeks ago when that woman was slagging off Theo (about his 'nanny') and Duncan (about cold bathrooms in Scotland). Not a good idea if you're asking for £100,000 :eek3: !!!
sweeeeet :cool:

Did you see a couple of weeks ago when that woman was slagging off Theo (about his 'nanny') and Duncan (about cold bathrooms in Scotland). Not a good idea if you're asking for £100,000 :eek3: !!!

That was quality..! Even though it was a bad move..! Theo was like "do you assume that all rich people have nannies..?" :biggrin:
Just watched the repeat of Thursday's episode...the Q-Top guy presented it very well...good that he at least left with a job offer! And the guy too presented his product well...! :smile:
Reply 18
He had a strange business plan though. He would rather have become a direct competitor of iTunes than join forces with them. Thank god the dragons convinced him otherwise, or he would have been CRUSHED :eek: :p:
Reply 19
They didn't convince him though did they??

Because he accepted Theo and Debra's offer and said to the Australian guy that he didn't want to join forces with Itunes or sumin...

Duncan Bannatyne - Legend :biggrin: