I've suffered anorexia for 5 years, and being underweight has zapped my brain of nutrients, blah blah blah *doctors techno babble* so I also have obsessive compulsive disorder too. This makes me really rigid in everything I do, kinda like an autistic person - my routines are REALLY strict, I don't adapt well to even tiny changes in my daily life. I exercise compulsively to a) burn calories b) maintain health (obsessive about that too) c) block out unpleasant thoughts/memories from my abused past. What a sad old cliche.
Well, thing is - how the hell am i going to cope with Uni? I know I need to get out of my home town and break my old habits, but how can I become more flexible and learn to adapt, make new routines in Pompey but NOT get obsessive about these ones too? I used to be a very easy-going person (apparently) before I got ill at 16yrs...I used to have a lot of fun, tho I already displayed OCD habits even as a child. My nanna and dad also have these problems - never doing anything by halves, when getting into new routines finding it VERY hard to get out of them, when starting new hobbies needing to focus ENTIRELY on it and nothing else, etc. But the lower my weight got, the worse the OCD got (they're linked, neurologically.)
I really, really want to do this Eng lit course at Uni. Literature/creative writing have been my longest standing hobbies since I started reading in childhood. But I find it so hard to trust other people...I'm a perfectionist, I can't bear the thought of letting other people do something for me, coz i a) feel lazy b) don't trust them to do as good a job as me. Basically, I've got a really anachastic, obnoxious character and am really hard to get on with. So God alone knows how my poor flat mates will cope in Trust Hall.
I basically don't like myself, but don't have a high opinion of other people, either. I push myself too hard in everything I do - my exercise is always as hard as I can make it, my diet (tho high cal to try and gain weight) is religiously healthy and pretty much the same things everyday, I won't socialize in case I'm too tired the next day to exercise/repeat my daily routines. Really, I'm just a scared, paranoid, uptight, self-righteous cow who's so stuck in her own life and up her own ass that she won't make room for other people. I'm a selfish person, always have been, but its gotten so much worse since becoming anorexic. We are notoriously selfish, stubborn, self-righteous, perfectionistic people.
Well, that's me in a *large* nutshell. I just needed to get my fears off chest. How am I going to make friends at Uni? I'm terrified of people/emotions getting in the way of my routines/obsessions, so I'm a really lonely person. I crave friends, affection, fun, adventure. I'd love to have people hug me, but they're scared to coz (according to Mom) they're afraid they'll break me in two, coz I'm thin. I miss physical human contact. I miss emotional contact with people, ie friendship, boyfriends, etc. But I'm terrified of being stifled by them. In the end, it comes down to control - I'm a control freak, and I'm scared of others taking it away from me. This apparently stems from the repeated sexual abuse I've had since childhood = loss of physical control, so I make up for it by being obssessively rigid in every aspect of my life now. I really resent people taking control away from me, even the tiniest things - being held in queues, caught in crowds (unable to move) waiting for a machine in the gym, being coerced into eating something I don't want, being unable to clean my house when Moms in bed after a late shift at work.........see what I mean about selfish>?
Well, this overlong post really must end now. I feel a bit better for getting it all out, but the fears remain - how will I cope at Uni? People are going to hate me. They're really going to resent my domineering presence, my paranoias, my refusal to socialize coz I'm just interested in exercise/food. Thats just how I am. I'm real sorry for it, but I'm dead focused on my health. I won't change that aspect of me at all, for anyone. I know it means I'll be a lonely person, but I've always been a loner anyway, from childhood - much happier playing by myself, making up stories, than with other kids. Again, that was about control, in part = I got to decide what stories to tell to myself, what games to play, no one else.
So, apologies in advance to all the poor buggers who'll be living with me in Trust hall, ports - my heart goes out to you now.