The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Me too, I'm gutted, didn't want to be located too far from the uni itself.
Can't say I'm pleased although it doesn't look too bad
Yup we go on the 9th
I'm crescent but still I feel your pain; my building is in Chambers St.
Reply 3
Hi. I'm Warrender Park Road too. :smile: I was devastated when I found out I was staying there but here are a few quotes from people who know the place to cheer you up... (taken from Freshers Week subforum on EUSA)

'Warrender park roads a really nice place. its near to the links (big open fields) near to a pool/gym, couple of little shops nearby. its quite a quiet place at nighttime, no nightclubs across the street.
its coupled up with warrender park crescent so when the resisdential assistants organise events for you in freshers week you meet people from both sites which is nice.
also if i'm thinking correctly warrender park road flats have baths and showers which is always nice after a long day in lectures.'

'Im a second year student who lived in Flat 2 WPR last year. It is in an awesome location where many older students choose to live as well. I moved just round the corner. THere are many local shops and stuff. George Square is a ten minute walk across the park, and more importantly the bars and clubs are over that direction as well.'

'Lived with DanM last year in what became hte party flat, flat 2, mainly because it was the biggest one. This better be lived up to next year! (Sorry for the burnt seat if it's still there and the dart holes in the fridge) And expect a random call one night at flat 2 as we might need an 06/07 flat 2 party!

The ubildings great though. The onyl advice I can give is don't stick to one crowd (usually another flat in the same building) in freshers week and get to know the whole building, and after that just party as much as possible. Its great for throwing impulsive parties as you can just knock all the doors of the place effort free and that's it sorted.

Pubs are good too. The Links (end of the road if you take left leaving the building) is all right and The Argyles good for a quiet one. Right beside Margiotta, no need to even get out of your dressing gown or cocoi to get some milk. And a fish supper form Salvatores can't be beaten!

All in all, WPR was amazing accomodation that is perfect for first year and yous will have an awesome time!!!!'
Reply 4
:biggrin: Actually that does sound a lot better than I imagined, never saw the forum on myed thanx. And I'm in flat 2 so I guess it'll be a bit noisy lol. Anyway I'm getting a bit impatient now...a week and a half
I just got an offer on myed saying I'm in there too. I'm gutted, really wanted Pollock.
I just got an offer on myed saying I'm in there too. I'm gutted, really wanted Pollock.

Ouch thats a bit of a dive... :'''(
Reply 7
Hey. I should have probably have posted the link for the Warrender Park Road thread...