The Student Room Group
*eye contact- gives you the 'look'
*speaks to you a lot
*very friendly towards you
*helps you out
all the usual stuff
Reply 2
If she tells you that you make her add on to the list above.
Reply 3
although don't make assumptions based on the above list.
if you think it's possible a girl might like you, throw caution to the wind and bring it up. ask her out. et cetera.

do not pounce on a girl.. it is not becoming.
Reply 4
say that you do ask her out but there is no reply from her but gives an impression that it can be a yes or a no?

wut then?
Reply 5

Ive found if a girl likes you they tend to make physical contact with you while they talk to you eg touching your arm while they talk
Reply 6
Does she ask your name? What you do? If you're single? About your family? A girl who asks questions about you clearly wants to know more about you, and that constitutes interest. Physical contact is, as said, an indicator.

And if a girl says maybe, she means yes. She just doesn't want to say so overtly.
Reply 7
If she laughs at your lame jokes
Reply 8
Well this is how i show interest if I like a lad...

I tend to:

Smile loads:biggrin:

Give more eye contact:teeth:

Touch his arms and when we joke, we often play fight and elbow each other... haha :boxing:

I bite my lips abit for some reason... this is what my bf told me when we were on our first date hehe... :flutter:

Listen more to what he's saying even if it's boring... #blah#

Ask lots of questions about himself :poke:

Ask if he likes to go out on certain days

Send texts straight away when he sends one

I also tend to look my best and try to dress to impress him :-P doesn't everyone... ;heart;

I also give him little gifts like chocolate or something he likes ;grin;

Thats all I can think of for now, but hope that helps :smile:
Reply 9
If she laughs at your lame jokes

Ooo yeah that is also added to my list.. though I laugh easily at most things...:redface:

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
Reply 10
Yeah I laugh at most things, I must give some people the wrong impression.
Reply 11
And if a girl says maybe, she means yes. She just doesn't want to say so overtly.

that's not always true. i know a lot of girls who say 'maybe' because they feel bad having to say 'no' and are hoping he will lose interest before they have to give a straight answer!
Reply 12
say that you do ask her out but there is no reply from her but gives an impression that it can be a yes or a no?

wut then?

I'm assuming that you mean asking her out by text, I would reply straight away if i liked the guy. Though it depends on different girls, some girls go for it and others might try and play hard to get which can be annoying.

But this is what I think, if a girl really likes you; she would grab any opportunity to go out with you.

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
Reply 13

She might go out of her way to talk to you
these are what i used to do if i like a guy:
- nervous when i talk to him
- ignor him cus i don't want him that i fancy him

these are what i'll do if i fancy a guy:
- smile to him when ever i see him
- do lots of eye contact
- talk to him when ever i have a chance (but not too much)
- be nice to him
Reply 15

Speedstacker just looked at your profile:
Orientation: Chinese

Not sure if thats deliberate or not but it's kinda funny :wink:
Okay there are a few different ways a girl will show she is interested
1. she will generally show more attention, talk to you more, look at you...the normal interested in you signs.
2. some shy girls will just randomly start ignoring you, because they are scared that you dont like them. they may also look at you lots but pretend not to, and make an effort to not talk to you or anything for fear of letting people know that they like you.

basically if they change their behaviour towards you. and if a guy likes me usually theres a gut feeling there and usually you can tell.
Okay there are a few different ways a girl will show she is interested
1. she will generally show more attention, talk to you more, look at you...the normal interested in you signs.
2. some shy girls will just randomly start ignoring you, because they are scared that you dont like them. they may also look at you lots but pretend not to, and make an effort to not talk to you or anything for fear of letting people know that they like you.

basically if they change their behaviour towards you. and if a guy likes me usually theres a gut feeling there and usually you can tell.