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Going to uni with boyfriend

I am going to uni with my boyfriend in sept, I am so happy that we are both going to the same uni as i dont think i could cope with a long distance relationahip. We both picked the uni cus it is great for the courses we want to do, not simply becasue we want to be together, although that is a factor. We will be living quite close to each other but not too close. I was just wandering if anyone goes to or has gone to the same uni as thier partner and if it worked out, as im a bit nervous about making my own friends etc.
Reply 1
Yeah it worked out great for me.

It helps living in different places.

You might not see much of your boyfriend for the first few weeks. Focus on meeting new people. It's easy to go to the familiar, but you have to resist.

Don't involve your boyfriend in everything you do.

Just make sure you meet lots of new people as one person, rather than a couple.
hey. aww thats cool, getting the best of both worlds, wish i could have my boyf with me! but yeah it should b fine, and mayb its gud ur not too close cuz u get the independence, but also u are close enough to see eachother. the only worry mayb if u break up (really hope u dont), but saying that im sure u would b able to get away from eacother if u needed to! i think u should b fine, and have fun at uni! xx
Although Im not going to university with my bf, I would really have loved to! as it turns out hes goin next sept. but anyway, if you went to the same uni for the right reasons, ie not simply because you want to be together, then i think its great! youre really lucky. making close friends might be hard if you live out of each others pockets. If you dont see each other at all or just a bit for the first 2 weeks it would give you both a chance to settle in independantly and make a few friends. Both my brother and sister are still really great friends with the few first people they met. good luck!
Reply 4
I'm going to uni with my boyfriend. We never planned it that way, I always wanted to go to this one and it happened to be the only one that let my boyfriend in!

I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. I presume you are doing different course so will make different sets of friends which give you time apart, but can also spend plenty of time with your boyfriend. Just make sure you give yourself time to bond with new people, rather than spending too much tme with the boyfriend to begin with!
Reply 5
If you've both chosen the right courses and uni for you and not just because you want to be together it sounds great. Living apart will be I guess just like at home. Make sure you make your own friends and give them plenty of time.

I wish my boyfriend was coming with me but 1) he has no A-levels or equivilant 2) he can't see the point in a degree and 3)I'm going up north and he hates up north! :biggrin: Ahhh well!
My bf is at a uni close by to me, and it's working out great!! Can't wait until I live 10mins away from him instead of 2hours (he started at uni a year before me)
Reply 7
I'm going to Uni with my bf and by twist of fate have been put in the same halls too. Hope we're not in the same flat together! Need to make new friends and socialise, esp. in the first weeks.
Reply 8
Thankyou so much everyone for your comments! I hope everything goes ok, i dont see why it wont :smile:
I am at the same uni as my boyfriend but we didn't get together till we were at uni, we lived a flight of stairs apart in the first year which is where we met, literally on the stairs. We are living about a 15 minute walk apart this year we thought it was too soon to move in together and he wanted to live with his mates and i want to live with mine, but we are planning on living together for our third year. We see plenty of each other and have just enough time apart and time to focus on our work and friends cos our lectures are at different times.
Reply 10
I'm going to Uni with my bf and by twist of fate have been put in the same halls too. Hope we're not in the same flat together! Need to make new friends and socialise, esp. in the first weeks.

Yeah, I think that if my boyfriend & I went to the same uni, we'd never make any friends. We hardly socialise with anyone else as it is, though I guess if you're doing different courses then that'll help.

What mipmapped says sounds like good advice. Good luck!
Reply 11
I'm going with my girlfriend. Same halls too!
Personally i wouldnt want to go to uni with a boyfriend, but then everyone has different opinions and if you're happy i wish you the best of luck xxx
Reply 13
I'm going to Uni with my bf and by twist of fate have been put in the same halls too. Hope we're not in the same flat together! Need to make new friends and socialise, esp. in the first weeks.

Wasn't your boyfriend meant to be going to Durham? :confused:
Reply 14
Wasn't your boyfriend meant to be going to Durham? :confused:

We're both stupid so both missed our offers, luckily, we both got our insurance offers.

And Soton is better anyway :p:
Reply 15
We're both stupid so both missed our offers, luckily, we both got our insurance offers.

And Soton is better anyway :p:

No it isn't :p:
Aren't the Geology offers like BBC anyway?
Reply 16
No it isn't :p:
Aren't the Geology offers like BBC anyway?

His offer was for NatSci, he was going to change to Geology when he arrived.
Reply 17
Me and my boyfriend both went to brighton in 2004 he went to Sussex Uni and I went to BSMS, we moved into a house with two other guys (separate bed rooms) and at the begining of the second year we moved in together on our own again with separate bed rooms. Going to university together was the best decisions that we have ever made. Things are still going well. It can be hard work but no where near as hard as I imagen a long distance relationship would be. I think the reason that it is working is because we have separate rooms which means that we have our own space. I don't feel that it has meant that I have had a less enjoyable university experiance, I have made a really nice group of friends on my course and he has his own friends on his so we both do our own things :smile:

Good luck with everyone who is going to uni with a bf/gf and I hope it works out for you :smile:
Reply 18
I think it is cool that u r goin with ur bf! I wiiiiish my boyf was gonna b with me, but we r gonna b two hours apart! and although i know we can make it work n stuff, i feel so scared that he wont b with me, n wont b 10 mins away when i need a hug! i think as long as u dont live in each others pockets at uni, ull b cool and i hope it all goes well! xxxx