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Reply 1
Yes imo. But what do I know about fashion, I'm male.:wink:
nah they're alright
Reply 3
I wouldnt say so :smile:
Reply 4
don't do it EVER
Reply 5
they're something but defo not chavvy,
Reply 6
They make me think of a fat blond girl, with a hoodie - her stomach protruding from underneath - crisps in one hand bottle of coke in the other.
Reply 7
Yes, I think they're chavvy. Sorry.
Aww I think it depends on the person, I have some similar but mine are from next i love them in the winter. It just depends what you wear them with. Personally I like them, but I am biased b cz i have some x
Reply 9
they are caterpillar so no i wudnt say they are chavvy and also they are only chavvy if worn by a chav.
Reply 10
well I would giv u a good lashing in them! Chavvy girls like stacey from eastenders do appeal to me, though. but serious, from a guys point of view, avec a skirt they wud be wel fit :smile:
Does it really matter? If you like them, get them! Everyone is classed as "chavvy" at some point which is just childish and ridiculous.
Not chavvy, just not nice. Sorry
Reply 13
i don't know if they are chavvy or not, but there are loads more boots that are a whole lot more flattering. Those boots look like they will make your feet look big and clumpy. I'd go for a totally different boot, they don't need to have heels either, but just be a bit longer and more leg flattering. especially if you want to were them with skirts! You want to wear some pretty feminine boots then, these look like practical snowboots - well, obviously they aren't that practical though cause the material doesn't look waterproof... eh...
Reply 14
I quite like them actually, they look like they'd be really warm and comfy! I think you'd definately have to buy some sort of water protector for them though, and make sure you clean them regularly to keep them in good condition.

If you really love them, get them, who cares what anyone else thinks. You're the one wearing the boots, not them.
Reply 15
Does it really matter? If you like them, get them! Everyone is classed as "chavvy" at some point which is just childish and ridiculous.

I agree, its stupid isn't it.
HOWEVER i personally would never wear them but my opinion means nothing. If you like 'em buy 'em.
they are seriously horrible.. what would make you want to wear them?
I think they're cute. Don't worry about chavviness, I find chav style comfy sometimes (Well... I love my velour trackie when I'm feeling lazy and can't be bothered to wear anything better, but NEVER gold creole hoops ... *shudders*).
Reply 18
Oh dear.
Personally, I don't like them; I think they're too big and clumpy. But if you like them, then get them. It's your money after all!