The Student Room Group

Do you HAVE to go to Fresher's week?

Just wondering - is it compulsory to go to Fresher's week?
Someone told me you have to go mainly just to join clubs and societies and to just get your card (lol which card, I don't even know - library card? NUS card? :confused: hehe)
If this is the case, can you just get all that and not come for the rest of the week?

This is just for argument's sake.. was just wondering.


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Reply 1
There will be various lectures that you may need to attend to do with your course during the first week. Most of the people missed them last year and nobody bothered about it. However if you start poor you might drag that form into the formal teaching.

Thankfully as I'm going to be a 2nd year I only have 2 hours of lectures that week.
Reply 2
You can skip all the social bits and just go for the admin, if that's what you're worried about. You'll miss out on meeting people and socialising, though.
Reply 3
Is the fresher's pack worth it? most of whats offered is useless, apart from the fresher's ball ticket....althought i could be wrong....
You can skip all the social bits and just go for the admin, if that's what you're worried about. You'll miss out on meeting people and socialising, though.
What exactly d'you mean by admin though? That's what I really want to know..
Reply 5
course registration
financial registration
getting your uni card
Reply 6
Have you not had your pack thingy yet? It says what's on each day. Quite a few gigs and stuff.
Reply 7
Is the pack seperate from the crucial guide? I'm dead confused.. does it come after you've paid the £17?
Reply 8
I'm confused too. You have to pay to find out whats on at freshers? or does everyone get the information... if so when because I haven't been sent it
Reply 9
obvisously you get sent a "crucial guide" by post (i haven't got mine yet though although i was unconditional since march, but i live in germany), which tells you whats going on in freshers week, where you have to be etc, then you can 17 pounds to the student union to get your ticket to freshers ball and you probably get other stuff as well.
why on earth would you not want to go to freshers week. Its supposed to be one of the best times of your uni life.
Reply 11
why on earth would you not want to go to freshers week. Its supposed to be one of the best times of your uni life.

Agreed! I can't wait for freshers week!

And no I haven't got a crucial guide... I hope it comes soon. I go away on Sundat and don't get back till the 11th so if there's anything I have to do I'm screwed
I'm confused too. You have to pay to find out whats on at freshers? or does everyone get the information... if so when because I haven't been sent it

dont have to pay to find out what is on, im sure there will be loadz of people there who will tell everyone what is happening. the not so crucial guide gives you a form that you can send off to get some stuff and the freshers ball ticket, it is 17.50 though, i sent off for it (probebly to the wrong address, as there are 2) and im kind of regretting parting with such a sum of money when i dont actually have a clue. i think a good plan would be to follow the daily stampeed to the union bar?
There will be a number of things you'll have to do in the first week for Uni:

Pick up you ID/Library card
You'll get a tour of the library(it is fairly large and so will help)
You will also get your course handbook (we had to sign that we'd received it)
Ther may well be first lectures with course guides being given out

Plus as well as meeting other students, you'll met lecturers and have a chance to explore the campus and the city
Reply 14
You don't have to do anything, but I do wonder at the sort of person who would rule out going to freshers without knowing what it is.
two things:

i'm actually posting for a friend lol, he was wondering if it was compulsory.. he's a bit.. well, a bit sad haha.

secondly, what £17?!?!?!?!?!? omg i don't even know, tell me tell me!!
The £17 will include the freshers ball ticket and other union events during the week.
Reply 17
That's a good deal! Ours is a fair bit pricier than that.
That's a good deal! Ours is a fair bit pricier than that.

Last year's freshers ball was pretty decent aswell.
So the £17 you don't have to give? (if you don't want to go the fresher's ball and "other union events"?)