OK. I'll try to cut a looong story short.
I was with my ex for 3 years. My first proper relationship. We broke up...ooh must be coming up to 2 years ago now due to wanting different things in life and our relationship had lost its spark. We were at different universities and it was difficult to see each other to rectify any problems.
I'm currently seeing someone else and I really do love him. We've been together for just over a year.
My problem is this: Since I've been at home for the summer holidays (same area as where my ex is, but not close enough to bump into him in the street) and since I've been home, I keep having dreams about my ex and I keep wanting to know what's going on in his life, specifically in the girlfriend department. Now I thought I'd gotten over him a LONG time ago but since I've been home, I feel like my feelings are going into overdrive. I don't know if it's just because I'm home, or because my current boyfriend is away for a month or what, but I've just had these urges to find out what's going on with my ex.
We've kept in contact fairly regularly. Probably speak to each other once every month or so on msn. Have spoken to him a couple of times since I've been home. I know he doesn't have a girlfriend now cause he told me, but I do know that he's had some sexual relations since we broke up (none of which were anything serious). I know the latter because I know a forum he posts on and I use that sometimes and when I do, I get the urge to look up his threads to see what he's written....little bunny boilerish
I pretty much broke up with him, although by the end of our long talk, we were thinking the same things - that it wouldn't work out. I still don't want him to move on though!! It makes me feel sick to think about him with other girls. I feel like he's mine still and I haven't even seen him in like a year and a half. (We met up for drinks once since we split up and everything was totally cool. Relaxed, like we were friends again.) I know it sounds ridiculous and of course he has moved on, but the thought of him hooking up with other people makes me feel really sad and strange. I want to ask him if he's totally over me even though I don't want to hear the answer is yes. I guess I just want him to be thinking about me even though I have a new boyfriend, which is so totally selfish and stupid.
And yeah, what about my current boyfriend? We are really in love, and are planning to marry in the future. I've only vaguely felt like needing to check up on my ex before, but this has since got stronger since I've been at home. Maybe it's because there are a few cracks in my current relationship like he is religious and I'm not - he's even started talking about stopping having sex until we are married. We're from different countries and although this hasn't really been an issue for me, it has been slightly for him. Maybe because of these things, I've been thinking more about what I found good about my last relationship - things like we came from the same area and there were no communication problems. Except that for a girl, i'm not too hot at talking about feelinds but he never pushed me. That is another thing about my current bf - he always pushes me to talk. It's probably good for me but sometimes does hurt that he won't let me take it at my own pace.
My question...Do you think that you never really get over your first love? Will they always present a niggling feeling inside? Or is it something that disappears over time? (bearing in mind that it has been 2 years since we split, and about 1.5 years since we've seen each other).
Sorry for the long post.......