My gf recently broke up with me and I still really like her. It doesnt help that we work with each other either. I am seeing 2 girls atm to try and take my mind off of her. One is dirty and its that kind of relationship, the other is a bit crazy, we have seen each other like 6 times and she is saying how much she cares for me. I have told her that I am moving to uni and there is no chance of a relationship and that we should just have fun while we can. Yesterday however her mum was inviting me round for tea and telling me how much the girl liked me and now im like argh. I can pull quite easily, not wanting to boast or anything, (last sat pulled mates older sis haha but thats another story) but i dont know what to do as i am very much in love with my ex still and i am trying to get things back to normal in terms of us being mates as we were well good friends before, but she is being really weird and purposefully ignoring me at work even if we are on same shift. help......advice....?