The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Reply 2
oh its where you have less red blood cells and less haemoglobin in your blood.
basically you can't uptake as much oxygen as non-anaemic people so you get out of breath pretty easily..

i was thought to be anaemic, so i take iron tablets everyday which fizzle me off because i'd be much happier eating greens.
i've still not had my blood test results back, actually i have - i'm not anaemic but i've got low iron.. but yeah.
Reply 3
Taking L-Lysine helped me to absorb iron faster. For some reason my iron was dropping even though I was taking 3 tablets a day, but my last blood test proved the L-Lysine is working.
Ok my doctor just told me im anemic (sp?!). I have to take iron tablets 3times a day and well thats all i no. What does beeing anemic mean? Any tips of how to help it and what it is will be greatly appriciated.





Reply 5
my friends anemic sp* lol
just eat a lot!!
its kinda liek when your body's weak or something or does not have enough food, just EAT lol
tc xx
Reply 6
I was anaemic for a while when going through puberty, it made me feel dizzy and faint whenever I stood up (like a maaaajor headrush) and had to take iron tablets. It gradually went in a few years though, so you may not have to take the pills forever!
Reply 7
Just AAsk
Reply 8
Ok my doctor just told me im anemic (sp?!). I have to take iron tablets 3times a day and well thats all i no. What does beeing anemic mean? Any tips of how to help it and what it is will be greatly appriciated.

It means you have low iron levels in your blood. Tablets and adjusting your diet will help this, and as people have already posted the links check them out.

But i really can't emphasise enough the importance of asking your doctor these things in future - it is bad that they didn't explain it at first but they may have assumed you knew. They are there to help you and it is up to you to take responsibility by asking them questions if you don't understand! Don't just take tablets they give you without understanding what they're for and how they'll help!
Ok my doctor just told me im anemic (sp?!). I have to take iron tablets 3times a day and well thats all i no. What does beeing anemic mean? Any tips of how to help it and what it is will be greatly appriciated.

Shouldn't your doctor be explaining to you what anaemia is and how to combat it? Or did he just go: "Yeah, your anaemic.....erm i don't know what it is....go and talk to some webmongs about it, se if they know, cause even though i went to medical school for 7 years i havn't got a clue!".
Reply 10
Well she told me over the phone, my doctors is really busy and its really hard to get an appointment, and ive only just got back from california.
I'm anemic, it's not something all that life altering. It helps if you take vitamin C tablets with your iron tablets, it will help it to absorb faster. You should ask your doctor what your hemoglobin level actually is, I think it's supposed to be between 12 and 27 to be healthy. Mine got down to a 4 before I realized something wasn't right and went to the doctor.
Symptoms can get overlooked quite often because they don't seem all that out of the ordinary - exhaustion, headaches, irritability, feeling short of breath, then there's things like fainting, your hair falling out, paleness, and well...organ failure. Just kidding! As long as you dont let your levels get down too low you should be fine. Besides taking your pills you can also help by eating lots of dark green veggies (especially broccoli and spinach), red meat (liver is excellent if you can stomach it) and believe it or not, almonds.
Good luck!