Have smaller portion sizes.
You can go up for seconds or whatever, but try smaller portion sizes first.
Try giving yourself a reasonable meal plan to eat in a day. If you have guidlines, you'll find it easier to control your eating.
Aim to eat around 6 times a day - little and often. This'll control your hunger, and keep your blood sugar up.
Distract yourself. From the sound of it, you're eating because you're bored - so keep yourself busy. If you like drawing, keep a pencil and an art pad with you - find something to keep yourself busy.
if you want food, try to wait 15 minutes. If you still want that food, allow yourself a small amount, then wait another 15 minutes. If you still want it, allow yourself it.
Have you noticed any mood changes, has anything changed in your life at the moment? Have you tried writing down what you eat when, and how you're feeling, to see if there is any correlation?
Take care.