The Student Room Group


I need help i think i'm becoming addicted to food i mean i even eat now wen i'm not hungry and i have nothing to do. I am watching myself expand and i can't stop it. If i'm offered Maky Dees i can't say no. i'm gettin fat

And i didn't used to be this way in my primary school days i was the second fastest boy in my district. I used to do alot of football, basketball, athletics etc. Now i'm starting a gap year i can see things getting bigger.

Does anyone have any advice on how i can fight the fat.
Reply 1
stop eating.. have some self control.
Reply 2
I feel like that some days, which is why I like to keep myself busy when Im at home. Try drinking lots of water, that should help you feel more full and make you less likely to eat all the time.
Reply 3
instead of eatting fatty food try drinking more ater and eating more fruit. You coudl also do more exercise and get back into playing sports.
I need help i think i'm becoming addicted to food i mean i even eat now wen i'm not hungry and i have nothing to do. I am watching myself expand and i can't stop it. If i'm offered Maky Dees i can't say no. i'm gettin fat

And i didn't used to be this way in my primary school days i was the second fastest boy in my district. I used to do alot of football, basketball, athletics etc. Now i'm starting a gap year i can see things getting bigger.

Does anyone have any advice on how i can fight the fat.

Do more, eat less.

That was easy. :eek4:
Reply 5
also try foods that are filling- something like a mcdonalds only fills you up for about half an hour! i always find a nice big bowl of muesli int he morning keeps me full til lunch and things like jacket potatoes are nice and filling too

it's all about willpower... and if you do need to eat more, you have to up your exercise too

lou xxx
Reply 6
Will Power to the People!
drinking water, sign up to an expensive gym cos u are more likely to go as you have had to spend money on it
Reply 8
Milk keeps you full for a longer time. So if you eat ur lunch or dinner (not fatty food) Do drink milk after that
And will power is the only thing which will help u overcome this issue, it was also make u a better person.
The last thing u can do is watch Oprah
Reply 9
i'm just the same when i'm not working, do you have a job? because that will keep you occupied and not thinking about food.

but what i do now is munch on apples especially the big fat red apples they so sweet and juicy so atleast i'm not getting fat just healthy and i'm eating,

because i'm trying to put some weight on i used to convince myself i'm hungry, so ate anything but the trick is to get some self control and swap the junk for a healthier option but something your tastebuds will get addicted to mine are these apples don't know what they're called but they are really massive apples and they're unbelievably sweet.
I need help i think i'm becoming addicted to food i mean i even eat now wen i'm not hungry and i have nothing to do. I am watching myself expand and i can't stop it. If i'm offered Maky Dees i can't say no. i'm gettin fat

And i didn't used to be this way in my primary school days i was the second fastest boy in my district. I used to do alot of football, basketball, athletics etc. Now i'm starting a gap year i can see things getting bigger.

Does anyone have any advice on how i can fight the fat.

Reply 11

Does anyone have any advice on how i can fight the fat.

Drink your own p1ss, detox, detox.
Try putting all food out of sight- apparently, if food isn't close by, you're less likely to bother unless you're genuinely hungry.
Have smaller portion sizes.
You can go up for seconds or whatever, but try smaller portion sizes first.

Try giving yourself a reasonable meal plan to eat in a day. If you have guidlines, you'll find it easier to control your eating.

Aim to eat around 6 times a day - little and often. This'll control your hunger, and keep your blood sugar up.

Distract yourself. From the sound of it, you're eating because you're bored - so keep yourself busy. If you like drawing, keep a pencil and an art pad with you - find something to keep yourself busy.

if you want food, try to wait 15 minutes. If you still want that food, allow yourself a small amount, then wait another 15 minutes. If you still want it, allow yourself it.

Have you noticed any mood changes, has anything changed in your life at the moment? Have you tried writing down what you eat when, and how you're feeling, to see if there is any correlation?
Take care.