The Student Room Group
Reply 1
yeah sort of, me i got E at AS and C which was 2 off a B, but it does mean you will have to retake the AS modules
Reply 2
yeh im going to retake but it is possible ryt? x
Reply 3
very, very hard. I went from a D to a B in geography though - but E to A i'd say is probably too much..
i got an E for AS biology..this was due 2 many problems..however i did work hard and at university i want to do biomedical sciences so it makes sense to keep biology at a level..
is it possible to get from an E to a A/B overall? has anyone else been in a similar situation?

My friend got an E at AS Maths, but he resat AS and did A2 and got a B overall for A-level. However, he did get a private tutor....
Reply 5
definitely possible. i've done it:cool: . retook it A2 year and got 96/100:biggrin:.
although it took alot of self teaching.
Reply 6
lol yeh im going to get a private tutor..coz i really need the grades even if i dont get an A i really need a B or a2 biology harder then AS?
Reply 7
x.. chanz ..x
i got an E for AS biology..this was due 2 many problems..however i did work hard and at university i want to do biomedical sciences so it makes sense to keep biology at a level..
is it possible to get from an E to a A/B overall? has anyone else been in a similar situation?

anythings possible. my cousin, who did business, biology, chemistry and maths got BCDD at as level. believe it or not, she ended up getting AAAB as her final a level grades the following year.

But be prepared to work your arse off. it wont come easily. start revising from the start.
Reply 8
A2 Biology is a lot harder than AS but if you have learnt and understand AS then A2 is not so bad. I managed to go from a C to a B at A-level but it is possible to go a lot higher i would say if you put int he work and learn things as you go along you could get a B just retake all the AS papers.
To put it very bluntly - if you got an E the first time round because you were lazy, started revising too late, or had a lot of unpleasant distractions, then you could feasibly resit all papers and bring the grade to an A. If you found the papers difficult, and got an E because you struggled with the subject, although resitting might improve the grade a bit (especially if it is the only subject you are resitting) - its unlikely to be boosted four grades.
You'd have to judge that for yourself, as its trickly for anyone else to guess at whether you could do it, without really knowing why you got an E first time round.
Best of luck, anyway. :smile:
Yes, it is possible. Just work really really hard. Focus more on studying. Goodluck!
To put it very bluntly - if you got an E the first time round because you were lazy, started revising too late, or had a lot of unpleasant distractions, then you could feasibly resit all papers and bring the grade to an A. If you found the papers difficult, and got an E because you struggled with the subject, although resitting might improve the grade a bit (especially if it is the only subject you are resitting) - its unlikely to be boosted four grades.
You'd have to judge that for yourself, as its trickly for anyone else to guess at whether you could do it, without really knowing why you got an E first time round.
Best of luck, anyway. :smile:

no i wasnt lazy..i revised all year round but i got ill so that brang my grade down..the papers were pretty hard this year u got to admit..i guess nothings impossible right?
Reply 12
it will be extremely difficult, a lot of work will be needed. Be honest with yourself, if you think you can do it then go for it. To go up 4 grades would be a very big challenge. I think a B would be more realistic. I found that at A2 a lot more material was covered, which needed complete AS understanding. However if your resitting AS modules, then this may make the A2 year easier.
Yeah of course its possible :smile:
In my module 1 biology i got an E then after retaking it i got a B :smile:
Unlikely but possible if you resit all 3 units in january. The thing is howcome you didn't do much work yet you want to apply for biomedical sciences which is essentially biology and chemistry?

yes i did do i said i got ill which wasnt my fault so i couldnt really concentrate during exam times..
and i know biomedical sciences is biology and chemistry thats why im asking if it is possible to move from an E to a B because i need a decent grade overall x
I don't see why not.