The Student Room Group

Why Citigroup is great (and what NOT to do when an intern!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Meyer, Elizabeth Jane [CIB-HR]
[mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 24 August 2006 09:15
Subject: FW:

Oh my god! Read from the bottom! Its gone not only to EVERYONE in citi
but i've just been told by my boss its gone all over the banks and
they're all laughing about it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nagy, Chrissie [CIB-HR]
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:56 AM
To: *HR UK Capital Markets
Subject: FW:

Hi all, for your reading pleasure...please start at the bottom, it's

-----Original Message-----
From: Spencer, Emma [CIB-HR]
Sent: 23 August 2006 18:13
To: Harker, John [CIB-HR]; Nagy, Chrissie [CIB-HR]; Patterson, Jarrod
[CIB-HR]; Gore, Ian [CIB-HR]
Subject: FW:

As previously discussed.... maybe we need to revisit the intern
selection criteria, I think the emphasis on control may be too high!

-----Original Message-----
From: Burgess, Charles [CIR]
To: Jourdier, Sophie [CIR]; Halcrow, Alastair [CIB-EQTY]; Lucas, Ruth L
Sent: Mon Aug 21 18:17:42 2006
Subject: FW:

Please read below when you get 5 mins

Charlie Burgess
Chemicals Research Team
European Equity Research
Citigroup Investment Research
Tel +44 20 7986 4085
Fax +44 20 7986 4289
Email [email protected]

From: Leyland, Oliver [CIR]
Sent: 21 August 2006 18:07
To: Coombs, Andrew [CIR]; Malaiya, Ruchi [CIR]; Chai, Tak [CIR];
Thorpe, Lauren [CIR]; Shaw, Timothy1 [CIR]; Burgess, Charles [CIR]
Subject: RE:

"It goes without saying that the more upper-class you dress, the less
likely you shall be denied entry."...!!

it also goes without saying that the more i read of that, the less
likely i am to contain my mirth

From: Coombs, Andrew [CIR]
Sent: 21 August 2006 18:02
To: Malaiya, Ruchi [CIR]; Chai, Tak [CIR]; Leyland, Oliver [CIR];
Thorpe, Lauren [CIR]; Shaw, Timothy1 [CIR]

From: Parkes, Tracy [CIR]
Sent: 21 August 2006 17:51
To: Garrod, Daniel [CIR]; Coombs, Andrew [CIR]
Subject: FW: Details and instructions for Lucy's Ritz Party

From: Rehman, Heidy [CIR]
Sent: 18 August 2006 11:52
To: Parkes, Tracy [CIR]; Doyle, Marcia [CIR]
Subject: FW: Details and instructions for Lucy's Ritz Party

You have to read this.....from the intern working on the property team -
I can hardly contain myself!

From: Stewart, Catherine [CIR]
Sent: 18 August 2006 11:48
To: Rehman, Heidy [CIR]
Subject: FW: Details and instructions for Lucy's Ritz Party

.. I don't like to spread things... I feel quite bad really - but you
just HAVE to read this....

From: Plemic, Maria [CIB-EQTY]
Sent: 18 August 2006 11:28
To: Stewart, Catherine [CIR]
Subject: FW: Details and instructions for Lucy's Ritz Party

Cathy, do you know this girl below...Lucy? Think she is in research.
This is outrageous, read the invite!!!!!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ahmed, Omar1 [CIB-EQTY]
Sent: 18 August 2006 11:25
To: Plemic, Maria [CIB-EQTY]
Subject: FW: Details and instructions for Lucy's Ritz Party

-----Original Message-----
From: Copestake, Alexandra [CIB-EQTY]
Sent: 18 August 2006 11:23
To: Ahmed, Omar1 [CIB-EQTY]
Subject: FW: Details and instructions for Lucy's Ritz Party

-----Original Message-----
From: Choi, Stephanie [CIB-EQTY]
Sent: 18 August 2006 08:42
To: Copestake, Alexandra [CIB-EQTY]; Reed-Sperrin, Rebecca
[CIB-EQTY]; Thakore, Rukmini Anil [CIB-EQTY]; Baker, Thomas Kennett
[CIB-EQTY]; Austin, Matthew Lorenzo [CIB-EQTY]; Ibidunni, Funmi
[CIB-EQTY]; Li, Heung [CIB-EQTY]; Endo, Kaya [CIB-EQTY]; Long, Chen
[CIB-EQTY]; Tan, Jia-Hong [CIB-EQTY]; Alan, Ibi [CIB-EQTY]; Evans,
Matthew Neil [CIB-EQTY]
Subject: FW: Details and instructions for Lucy's Ritz Party

her best yet...........enjoy

-----Original Message-----
From: Gajowniczek, Aleksander Jozef [CIB-FI]
Sent: 18 August 2006 08:16
To: Choi, Stephanie [CIB-EQTY]
Subject: FW: Details and instructions for Lucy's Ritz Party


Regardless of the fact that we haven't been invited, pangea still seems
to be the plan for tonight though.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gao, Lucy [CIR]
Sent: 16 August 2006 12:53
To: Curwen, Phoebe Sarah [CIB-GTS]; Olea, Ovidiu [CIB-GTS]; Brennan,
Paul1 [CIB-GTS]; Cartwright, Nick James Peter [CIB-GTS]; Casey, Krystal
[CIB-CRRM]; Croatto, Marco [CIB-GTS]; Gayeva, Ulyana [CIB-GTS]; Jensen,
Kim [CIB-GTS]; Lvov, Nikolay [CIB-GBKG]; Seugnet, Sophie [CIB-GTS];
Spencer, Harry Belford [CIB-GTS]; Andrews, Edward John [CIB-GBKG];
Schwarz, Daniel Christopher [CIB-FI]; Seugnet, Sophie [CIB-GTS]; Zhuk,
Dmitry [CIR]; Chinelato, Marcelo [CIB-GBKG]; Moratti, Andrea [CIB-FI];
Butler, Rachel Louise [CIB-FI]; Lin, Jingjing [CIR]
Cc: 'Theodore Kyriacou'; Choi, Alan [CIB-GBKG];
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'Gill, Sanampreet'; 'Entwisle, Sunita (IBK EMEA)';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'
Subject: Details and instructions for Lucy's Ritz Party

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all your replies and I am glad all of you can come this
Friday to celebrate my 21st with me.
Please read ALL the following to ensure your entry into the Ritz.

Lucy's 21st Birthday Party
at The Ritz Hotel London

Friday, 18th of August
9pm Champagne Reception
10pm Photo Shoots
10:30pm Blowing Candles

Mid-night Pangaea, Mayfair

I have arranged the Ritz to host a Champagne Reception with a selection
of Ritz Champagne for all my guests, this will be on me so please come
and indulge.

A specially made birthday cake has also been ordered and the Ritz
waiters will kindly serve you each a generous slice with Ritz cutleries,
etc...also on me.

* When you arrive, take the Hotel entry on the opposite side of
the Green Park tube station [Please refer to your arrival time at the
end of this email]
* When asked "how can I help you Sir/Madame?", you reply "I am
here for Lucy's Birthday Party at the Rivoli Bar"
* You will be escorted to the lounge area next to the Rivoli bar,
where you will hopefully see a gorgeous group of ladies.

If you experience any issues getting in or getting to the Ritz, please
call my mobile on 07782 205 450 and my PA Ms Gill will kindly deal with
your queries between 8:30pm to 10pm.

Gentlemen: Jacket, shirt, and please also bring a tie (no jeans,
trainers, flip-flops, polo-shirts)
Ladies: skirt/top, cocktail dress (no denim, min-skirts, flip-flips, bad
Advice 1: It goes without saying that the more upper-class you dress,
the less likely you shall be denied entry.
Advice 2: Photos will be taken between 10pm to 10:30pm, and these will
be distributed once processed, therefore you may want to be

I will be accepting cards and small gifts between 9pm to 11pm...<wink
wink> hehehe

I very much look forward to seeing you all at the Ritz this Friday.


ARRIVAL TIMES: [Please stick to these as best as you can, thank you]
9:00pm: Lucy, Sophie Sandner, Kajai, Mandeep, Preet, Sanami, Su, Lisa,
9:15pm: Phoebe, Sophie Seugnet, Theo, Dmitry, Ed, Nikolay, Paul, Nick,
9:30pm: Marco, Andrea, Jess, Ovi, Yuki, Olga, Kim, Marcelo, Ulyana,
Krystal, Dan.
9:45pm: Sunita, Alan, JingJing, Emma.
10:00pm: Anthony, Rachel, Roger, Uli, Yogi, Gharzi

Lucy Gao
Citigroup | Real Estate Equity Research
4th Floor, Citigroup Centre (CGC1)
25 Canada Square, London E14 5LB
Direct Line: <cut>
Fax: <cut>
Mobile: <cut>
Email: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

Scroll to see replies

Reply 1
LOL classic.
Pardon me if I'm being silly, but why is this funny?
is it just cos shes invited all these people that she hardly knows to her 21st and given them precise arrival times? (if so, its not really that funny...)
I think it's hilarious!

So pretentious when you are an intern? With competition for offers fierce, focus on your job and don't tell people "the more upper class you look, the better your chance of getting in" to her little b-day party.
Reply 4
where you will hopefully see a gorgeous group of ladies.

i imagine it depends on how many pre-drinks you have had.

spam bots are going to have a field day on this thread.... lucy and charles.. you are going to get spammed to HELL.
Reply 5
Ive received this email a few times today, including from a friend of mine working in paris!
Feel sorry for '10:00pm: Anthony, Rachel, Roger, Uli, Yogi, Gharzi', Didnt get the champagne :frown:

Anyways this girl sounds stuck up, with her head in her own ass.

who the hell has a PA when internin?
Reply 7
who the hell has a PA when internin?

She hired her friend to be her PA for the night.

Story now on

A movie and a photo of her for those interested in what she looks like, lol.
Reply 9
That girl is an imbecil. fact. Now what's the point in transfering the mail to everyone, accross all banks etc.. I don't think it's a healthy humour. Or maybe you think making fun of some idiot girl will make you look cool?
Reply 10
Some people ask for the piss to be ripped out of them, perhaps this will bring Lucy crashing back down to earth where the rest of us mere mortals live.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gajowniczek, Aleksander Jozef [CIB-FI]
Sent: 18 August 2006 08:16
To: Choi, Stephanie [CIB-EQTY]
Subject: FW: Details and instructions for Lucy's Ritz Party


Regardless of the fact that we haven't been invited, pangea still seems
to be the plan for tonight though.


Is that Olek who posts on here?

Funny e-mail though.
Reply 12

A movie and a photo of her for those interested in what she looks like, lol.

Which one is Lucy? There are 3 girls in the movie.

EDIT: Sorry didn't finish the movie. I just saw that Lucy is the limber Asian.
Reply 13
What's so bad? Yes, the more upper class you look, the more likely they are to let you into the Ritz. Big shock!

And seriously, people with money and rich parents are like that everywhere. It's meant to be slightly tongue in cheek (the "* When asked "how can I help you Sir/Madame?", you reply "I am here for Lucy's Birthday Party at the Rivoli Bar"" as an example).

I really don't see the issue. You expect interns who can afford to go to the Ritz for champagne and Pangaea to not be overly posh? Heard Pangaea was a good night that night (Alpha Parties wasn't it?), pity I couldn't go :frown:
Nice set of posh people on that Oxford video - and some guy from Europe who looks like he is on crack.

Not surprising at all that she is havin her birthday party at the Ritz and she is so anal!
What's so bad? Yes, the more upper class you look, the more likely they are to let you into the Ritz. Big shock!

And seriously, people with money and rich parents are like that everywhere. It's meant to be slightly tongue in cheek (the "* When asked "how can I help you Sir/Madame?", you reply "I am here for Lucy's Birthday Party at the Rivoli Bar"" as an example).

I really don't see the issue. You expect interns who can afford to go to the Ritz for champagne and Pangaea to not be overly posh? Heard Pangaea was a good night that night (Alpha Parties wasn't it?), pity I couldn't go :frown:

Dude, the chick has time slots for different people to arrive. It's out of this world beautiful.
yeh man, imagine if you are Anthony or Rachel and have a 10pm slot, you would be darn pissed for not getting an invite to that champagne reception...that would make u feel like a '3rd level friend'. lol.
Sorry, this was the funniest thing to hit the floor in the day. It is all over the city, in and out, especially since I've seen that video :biggrin:


Lucy Gao is history in the City for being so pretentious, so uptight, such a control freak and so foolish as to have sent the email to people who weren't invited to the event anyway.

Olek, you legend. You legend of legends. I'm wasted right now, to be fair, having been out and been on tequila for ages, but still, you legend. We owe it to you to make this farce so public, I think. Legend!!! :smile:

Presents can be received from 9.11 to 10.52 via the PA, while you can go to the toliet at exatcly blah blah, while you can send me cards and use the special cultery 'ooooohhhhhh, on ME ME ME ME ME' because I'm just fabulously exclusive... between 9.20 and 10.10. Blah blah blah.

I feel sorry in that someone made a mistake about things, but still, what a laugh.
I like you drunk, Ben, you're quite funny :biggrin:

As previously discussed.... maybe we need to revisit the intern
selection criteria, I think the emphasis on control may be too high!

When that comes from HR and every single bank in the City receives the email, you'd be damn lucky to get a job anytime soon. Lucy must have a shed load of p taking emails in her box by now since so many have been sent, it's just spread like a wildfire.