The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Are you using 400 or 200mg Ibuprofen?

I would use paracetamol and codeine and the anaesthetic strepsils if i were you, they're mush better.
Reply 2
Yeh you will be fine i've taken that many in a day before, generally if i'm in real pain i take them ever 4 hours.
I wouldnt take any more if i were you try a really hot drink like orange, always help me or paracetamol you can take that with ibpro.
Reply 4
Follow the instructions unless you really know what you're doing.

Try dequacaine lozenges and co-codamol.
Reply 5
I've taken 2 paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen about 3 or 4 times a day sometimes, an i was fine.
I'm sure you will be fine and have nothing to worry about with the amount you have taken which really isnt that many!
But suppose if your worried then try and leave it a bit longer but i really dont think there is any need to.
Reply 6
You have to be careful with NSAIDs, they have some moderately nasty SEs.
Reply 7
id have some hot honey and lemon.
i find that helps my throat.