I considered posting this in the Uni forum but thought it was more health related than Uni.
Simply question: do you think it is unhealthy to pin all your hopes on everything being okay when you go to Uni? Has anyone done this and everything's gone wrong, or vice versa?
My background (do excuse the lack of detail, this being the internet and all). I have had depression for quite a few years, a cycle which started for I would say understandable reasons (bullying, lack of family support etc), then carried on when my friends gradually started abandoning me (I onyl have 2 or 3 I can honestly say will always be there for me when I need them), and now it is more a case of I have been depressed for so long it is more a medical condition than having something to be depressed about.
I am hoping Uni will give me a kick up the backside and give me something to live for. My course should give me a purpose, and while I do not believe everyone will be perfect, I hope to meet at least a few people who will be good, honest and caring friends. A partner would be nice (all my home 'friends'; about 20 of them; having partners and me being practically the only single one going out, so it doesn't help), but feeling motivated about life and having some really good friends is most important to me.
Anyone else feel the same? Or have any comments on the mental health implications?