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Reply 1
Reply 2
Ready Salted Pom-Bears were my favourite crisps in the whole world.
OOOOOOOOOOOO I LOVE THOSE!!!!!!! i want to weep at how happy i was when they bought them to England, i only used to be able to get them when i was in France with my Mum and Dad then they bought them here, I alwsys remember in France we'd go to the supermarket when i wa slike 8 and id always beg for them lol.
Reply 4
iced jems aren't that nice, but pom bears... Mmmm
Reply 5
pom-bears are the best!
A superb crisp...

Does anybody else remember 'sundog' a cheesy popcorn made by Walkers ??

I loved it :biggrin:
Reply 7
I don't, but i remember SPACE RAIDERS. zomgs i want some now.
Reply 8
Pom-Bears are love.
They're amazing. Haha.
Reply 9
A superb crisp...

Does anybody else remember 'sundog' a cheesy popcorn made by Walkers ??

I loved it :biggrin:

:biggrin: :five:
i remember those.
that was tasty! i used to eat it all the time :biggrin:

i love pom bear but only the ready salted ones, the cheese and onion ones arent that nice
Reply 10
I want pom bears.
Reply 11
I was surprised by how cheap they were, for a multipack of six they were only a pound. :smile:

Looks like thats my university food sorted. :cool:
Reply 12
space raiders were 10p, even better!
Reply 13
Pom bear own, a classic crisp i used to eat as a whippersnapper... nothing on nik naks though!
Reply 14
Yeh pom bears were one of my playtime snack favs :biggrin:
Also huggy bears (i think thats what they were called???)
and cartoonies! :eating:
Reply 15
I want pom bears.

i think woolworths still do them cos i got them from there recently.
i think my eyes are playing tricks on me cos the text is italic it looks like you said you want porn bears :confused:
space raiders were 10p, even better!

you can still get those :biggrin:
they're so full of air though.... nah I prefer proper potatoey crisps like Kettle mmmm
Reply 17
they're so full of air though.... nah I prefer proper potatoey crisps like Kettle mmmm

i love those!
for xmas last year they did a stilton and port one god it was tasty :biggrin: mmmmm :love:
Reply 18
Mmm Pom-Bär.
they're so full of air though.... nah I prefer proper potatoey crisps like Kettle mmmm

Yes as they line your throat with copious amounts of salt and grease.... nice :rolleyes: