Hi, i've just spent time at my local lloyds pharmacy for work experience as I wish to study Pharmacy at Uni and I found it gave me a useful insight as to what retail pharmacy involves and I became familiar with the range of (P), (POM) and (CD) medicines. I also practised dispensing some medicines and helped putting away medicines which helped me grasp the names of some of the commonly prescribed medicines such as bendroflumethiazide that lowers sodium absorption in the kidney to lower blood pressure.
I was wondering if I happen to have an interview what type of questions will they ask about the w/e as I've mentioned it on my ps? I'm also shadowing a hospital pharmacist.
sorry about this, i know its not related to your question, but how comes you get to do work experience at Lloyds?? and you are (will be) in year 13 in Sept?! thats pretty good!
I called my local Lloyds pharmacy about 2 days ago and they said they'll have some vacancies soon so I plan on going there sometimes next week to ask them about it. Also, a hospital near me said I can have work experience there for christmas and I just have to write to them and get a reference from my tutor. Hope it all goes well coz I really want to have some work experience before I go to uni.
sorry about this, i know its not related to your question, but how comes you get to do work experience at Lloyds?? and you are (will be) in year 13 in Sept?! thats pretty good!
Yeh..I wrote to the area manager and asked to do shadowing/experience becase that and good grdes will get ti you to the best schools for pharmacy, am I right? It was extremely valuable, I was progressing on finiding the correct medicines as the store cupboard is huge and I learnt how they deal with prescriptions and had a try at dispnesary by being taught how tp endorse prescriptions from the computer! It was good
Yeh..I wrote to the area manager and asked to do shadowing/experience becase that and good grdes will get ti you to the best schools for pharmacy, am I right? It was extremely valuable, I was progressing on finiding the correct medicines as the store cupboard is huge and I learnt how they deal with prescriptions and had a try at dispnesary by being taught how tp endorse prescriptions from the computer! It was good
yeh, having a work experience does increase your chance of getting into uni.
so you just wrote to the area manager and thats it?! didn't you go there in person and ask for advice or anything like that??
yeh, having a work experience does increase your chance of getting into uni.
so you just wrote to the area manager and thats it?! didn't you go there in person and ask for advice or anything like that??
Erm yeah, I had to meet with him and he asked me questions like why do you want work experience and I explained how it would benefit me since I wish to pursue a career in pharmacy etc. yeh I only spent a couple of days there but it was really valuable and has widened my understadnign of how retail pharmacy runs. I am also going to shadow a hosital pharmacist to explore the different career paths in pharmacy, another good thing to mention on my ps.
But I was told if you get ABB or higher, you should get into most pharmacy unis? even without w/e since that's not essential
well, w/e is not essential, the most important thing is to get good grades!! yeh, ABB is good, most uni's offer is BBB for pharmacy, depending on wot u got for AS, but if you got really good AS grades, then the requirement is usually BBB.
well, w/e is not essential, the most important thing is to get good grades!! yeh, ABB is good, most uni's offer is BBB for pharmacy, depending on wot u got for AS, but if you got really good AS grades, then the requirement is usually BBB.
Wow! cool! I got 4A's that'll ease off the pressure a bit, any chance of an unconditional offer?
hehe! yea you will! don't worry about it you don't need to get AAAA it was because originally (well a while ago) I wanted to do dentistry so really required the top grades, but I still want AAA next year for self-fulfilment and to get a good pick of unis for pharmacy..what did you get neway?
abcd . Yeah...I messed around abit (ok, alot ) last year. I plan on working very hard next year!! It's not like I have a choice anyway. Considering i'll be doing some resits and my A2s aswell, alot of diligence will be required.
That is good. Most applicants don't have any! But i've had work experience in retail pharmacy and getting a morning in the hospital to shadow the pharmaciast that'll be useful