The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Are you lookin for a part time job whilst you're at LIPA? Best bet is probs to ask LIPA Undergraduate Office for advice...unless of course I have COMPLETLEY misread your post lol
Reply 2
ok, I'm not at LIPA anymore going to Liverpool Theatre School and College. I didn't think there was anywhere. Never mind eh?!!x
Reply 3
there are a few places the hire dancers ... i dont really know loads about it to be honest.

if you can break dance theres loads of work goin around for that and i think sum of the gay bars hire podium dancers... your best bet is probably to join a dancing society at uni and ask around there ... sorry i cant be more help :-S
Reply 4
A girl on my course works as a stripper and makes about 500 quid per night. Now I'd definitely do that if I was a woman with a good enough body.