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I assumed it's the same, I never thought about it.

It all depends on the situation you're in though doesn't it?

Sometimes it's busy so I have to go onto it at about 35mph and then join the mororway and pick up speed.

Othertimes I've gone down at 55mph and had to go faster as the car in the left lane has slowed down a bit to let me in.

Guess it depends, but yeah I'd figure it's 70, although I've enver known anyone join a motorway at that speed limit.
Reply 2
Just wondering what the speed limit is on a motorway slip road? I assumed it was 70 like the rest of the motorway, but when I was getting onto the M56 this morning, I seemed to be going faster than other people....

Its 70mph i think, unless otherwise stated, in order to allow you to safely join the motorway. If others are going slower they, are either stuck behind someone else, judging their speed by the traffic on the motorway OR they have not realised its easier to join a 70mph road at 70mph.

I think the correct term is not slip road but acceleration and deceleration lanes...

Reply 3
70mph iirc, seems logical as well since the idea is to get to the same speed as the motorway traffic, and they can go 70.
Reply 4
Yeah, I agree, you need to get up to 70 ish anyway. I tend to just accelerate as soon as I'm on the slip road and go for it! Haha.:biggrin:
Reply 5
Yeah, I agree, you need to get up to 70 ish anyway. I tend to just accelerate as soon as I'm on the slip road and go for it! Haha.:biggrin:

Reply 6
Yeah, I agree, you need to get up to 70 ish anyway. I tend to just accelerate as soon as I'm on the slip road and go for it! Haha.:biggrin:

Haha yeah, makes your car feel really quick as well since most of em are downhill :biggrin:
As soon as you see that motorway sign it's motorway rules...

I love uphill ones, all my torque and a heavy right foot up slip roads means a lot of annoyed drivers :smile:
Reply 8
It is whatever speed which is suitable to the conditions.

Obviously if the traffic is stationary don't bomb along it at 70mph. Just use your common sense.

Don't ever join a motorway at a silly slow speed (if the motorway is flowing) as it is dangerous and also puts the car behind you on the slip road in danger too.

Also don't be an idiot and panic then break if there isn't a gap for you. You should be able to judge the appoproate amount of speed and spot the gap for you.
Reply 9
I just go at whatever speed...If it's just me, put my foot down whilst indicating and usually just slip in, if I have Percy and Martha infront of me, then I have to go a little slower and pick up once I've passed them.
Reply 10
ye dont look at your speedo on slip roads, just keep it in 3rd or 4th so youve got a bit of extra oomph if sumones a fool.

just be looking at the road around you. just go at whatyevers the safest speed to get onto the motorway safely without causing other drivers to change speed / direction.

the limiot should be 70 yes, as slip roads are for speeding up / slowing down to / from the motorway speed.
The NSL on the slip roads is 70mph, so unless it's signed otherwise, like the road leaving the M5 at Worcester (near chez moi), 70 is fine coming on and off.
Reply 12
I was taught to match the speed of the lane you join, then speed up if you have to :smile:
Reply 13
Stay in fourth gear until you're comfortably on the motorway, too.
fourth gear? why?

70 in 5th all the way, indicate right, most people will let you in anyway, or move over to the 2nd lane when a slip road is coming up.
Reply 15
Doing it all in 5th is great if you drive an Impreza, but most students can't afford one. Being in 4th gear gives you the extra power needed to reach the carriageway speed, and allows for more adjustment to line yourself up with a gap in the traffic.

Furthermore, changing gear on a slip road

unbalances you

especially when you're looking over your shoulder

and in your mirror

and could have an adverse effect on your steering, making you drift prematurely onto the carriageway, or even lose control completely.

Note: I'm talking about learners and inexperienced drivers here. I'm not going to tell an experienced driver what to do.
Reply 16
I couldn't do 60/70 in 4th in my car...
Reply 17
I couldn't do 60/70 in 4th in my car...

I've done 65 in 3rd in mine :biggrin:
Reply 18
Well, aren't you a lucky boy? :wink:

What car do you have?
Reply 19
'94 Renault Clio RT 1.4. Probably not for much longer if I redline it in 3rd again :p:

what about you?