The Student Room Group

Help about UCAS offer

Hey, I have an offer for Liverpool to do Business and Law. But I am confused about the actual offer, on the letter it says:

350 Points over 24 units including 2 best A Levels
AT the moment I am studying 3 A Levels, which obviously means 18 units and also General Studies, where I believe GS is not included in the offer, so I am confused.

Oh yeah I dropped my AS subject last summer, so the uni would have known about me doing only 3 A Levels.
Reply 1
Hey, I have an offer for Liverpool to do Business and Law. But I am confused about the actual offer, on the letter it says:

350 Points over 24 units including 2 best A Levels
AT the moment I am studying 3 A Levels, which obviously means 18 units and also General Studies, where I believe GS is not included in the offer, so I am confused.

Oh yeah I dropped my AS subject last summer, so the uni would have known about me doing only 3 A Levels.

i think this means that you have to get 350 points from a maximum of 24 units rather than 24 units, so effectively u need BBBb. though why not write to them just to confirm this. however i dont think any university is going to force someone to take 4 a-levels as 3 is the norm and even places like oxford tend only(!) to ask for AAA or in theory, AAAa though i dont know anyone with such an offer

good luck :biggrin:
Hey, I have an offer for Liverpool to do Business and Law. But I am confused about the actual offer, on the letter it says:

350 Points over 24 units including 2 best A Levels
AT the moment I am studying 3 A Levels, which obviously means 18 units and also General Studies, where I believe GS is not included in the offer, so I am confused.

Oh yeah I dropped my AS subject last summer, so the uni would have known about me doing only 3 A Levels.

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