The Student Room Group
No, sadly, we're not. (Well, I hate to lump myself in there, so I won't. Instead, I'll do something else I hate, which is stereotype.) I'm gay - and I hold every single person I ever like in any way, including friends, special to me. But many of my straight friends don't - they can jump between girlfriends no problem and in between claim they "love" them.

Reply 2
You will never forget your first love till the day you die i feel.

It'd a special bond you've shared with someone, and it should always be valued forever --- if it is love that is...
Reply 3
Well i personally hold my 'first love' in a much different light than any others i may of loved. I think its always special, as its your first real experience of certain feelings and so will always be special, but to be honest i really think that i have only loved one person, i find that since her i compare potential girlfriends to my first love. So i guess some guys do and some dont
Ok well its been aggeess since I lost my first love, however I was wondering if guys still hold their first love as something special to them. Don't get me wrong I do not want him back, i'm just curious if guys are as emotional about it as girls are? Is it something they often think about?

I've been reading some articles about how people will always remember their first love and how even though ended badly they will always treasure it kinda thing.

uumm...I really hope this makes sense and you get the general jist of it.


What s*it have you been reading? Nothing in the past is ever as good as present moment. Unless you're emo/depressed. First love < Subsequent loves.

A guy may think about the sex he had with you, but in terms of loving and emotional connection, he will always be thinking of the current one. As will most girls, unless they're on their own and have no partner.
Reply 5
My first love was an unrequited one... if that counts. Don't know if I'll remember it when more time has passed, but I probably will, knowing me and my sappy ways.
Reply 6
Google men and their first love, that the nonsense (as you put it) that I have been reading. I also know for a fact that ex boyfriends do not only think about the sex they had, but also the emotional connection they had (and this is from experience with my friends when they have lost their gf's).

In addition just because I am thinking past relationships does not mean I am emo/depressed.

Just to back that up, when thinking about my first love, Sex is not even in the top 3-4 things i think about when thinking about her
i know this one guy who's only had one love in his life ever and he's still going out with her and its been 6 years
lucky sods
my first love i was 13 she was 18 and unsurprisingly we never got it together oh but she was stunning. *sighs wistfully*
Took me three years to get her out of my system, i followed her round like it a little puupy and she put up with good grace. Even when i actually wrote her a letter asking her out. She wrote a reply but her sister who hated me (i never knew why i neve did anything wrong to her) never gave it too me

No i dont think you ever truly get over your first love, its something thats always there. And even now 12 years down the line i still wonder.................................
Reply 9
Guys can fall as fast as Girls.....and even more so...........sometimes.
Reply 10
First love?

We were both 15. It was fun for a while. Things got bad (actually it turns out she was a classic psycho-bitch). We broke up.

Will I always remember her? Yes. Do I think of her as 'special'? No. Do I miss her? No. Do I still have any feelings for her? No. Do I regret any of it? No.

This may sound crass but in all honesty she was just the first girl I managed to con into bed. Think people have a tendancy to romanticise the First Love because back then it is all so new and exciting, all those furtive glances and awkward moments and times when you think "O happy day, I'm in love!", but frankly you will have better, more fulfilling, more mature relationships (with better sex!) when you are older. First love is just a hurdle you have to overcome.