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Recommended reading for prospective chemistry undergraduates?

Hey, as you can see from my sig im doing chemistry at Bristol next year and would like to know if there are any chemistry related texts i should read before i start. Also what textbooks am i likely to have to buy/learn from?
Im sure Bristol will sent me a reading list but they are sure taking their time!

any help would be appreciated!
Reply 1
no ideas then? are there any popular science books relating to chemistry?

Reply 2
Yeah, I've been checking on this thread hoping something will come up. Alas.........
Don't bother. You're going to spend the next 3/4 years at least studying the subject. Read some shakespeare or something.
Reply 4
Don't bother. You're going to spend the next 3/4 years at least studying the subject. Read some shakespeare or something.

lol, although I think I will replace shakespeare with my Dark Tower series.
Reply 5
Don't bother. You're going to spend the next 3/4 years at least studying the subject. Read some shakespeare or something.

lol, Well said.
Reply 6
haha! sound advice there i feel.
Reply 7
Lougborough sent me in the post today this leaflet saying Essential reading for your first year and reccommended this book
Reply 8
Lougborough sent me in the post today this leaflet saying Essential reading for your first year and reccommended this book

That's a good, but very general 1st year book, but not really worth the hard work of learning before hand, if you intend to carry on past the first yr in chem you'll probably want the standard 3 books (atkins phys chem, one of the inorganic books, and claydn warrren and wothers organic chem)
Reply 9
Im sure if they expect you to read any specific books they will send you a reading list but if not have a browse around there are lots of good chemistry books. Try to find a text book from each branch such as organic, inorganic and physical because these will help you right the way through ur course. I have a long book list with suggestions from oxford where im starting in oct but its tooo long to type out so if you want ne particuar names PM me

Alternatively if you are worried about buying books and then being given a whole other list when you get there i would just try reading up on anything you didnt cover in your syllabus because you will be in lectures with people who have studied in lots of different exam boards. That way you will be familar with more of the topics meaning less catching up work when you start
hope this helps
dunno whether this helps, but its my book list for 1st year southampton... luckly we get them all free as a welcome pack!!

Atkins and De Paula, Elements of Physical Chemistry, isbn 0199271836 @ £27.99

Clayden, Greeves, Warren, Wothers, Organic Chemistry, isbn 0198503466 @ £36.99

Atkins, Overton, Rourke, Weller and Armstrong, Inorganic Chemistry, isbn 0199264635 @ £37.99.
Reply 11
dunno whether this helps, but its my book list for 1st year southampton... luckly we get them all free as a welcome pack!!

Atkins and De Paula, Elements of Physical Chemistry, isbn 0199271836 @ £27.99

Clayden, Greeves, Warren, Wothers, Organic Chemistry, isbn 0198503466 @ £36.99

Atkins, Overton, Rourke, Weller and Armstrong, Inorganic Chemistry, isbn 0199264635 @ £37.99.

They're pretty much standard course texts for chemistry, but they arn't really pre course reading unless you are told specific bits to read
Reply 12
im really wondering more about popular science books now. i can read textbooks when im there.

any chemistry related popular science books out there??
Reply 13
im really wondering more about popular science books now. i can read textbooks when im there.

any chemistry related popular science books out there??

Molecules at an exhibition by john emsley is quite good