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Need to get rid of this sore throat

When I say sore that doesn't even come close to how bad it is. Worse sore throat i've ever had.
Apart from the fact its driving me insane I need rid of it before Monday...I'm going on holiday and obviously I don't want to be sounding all croaky and feeling like ****.
Its obvious my overdosing on stepsils isn't working
Hot drinks make it worse
I'm at work all weekend so can hardly rest my voice
What can I do to make my poor throat better again?
Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Buttercup syrup :suith:
Sure you don't need antibotics if it's that bad?

Honey and lemon drinks usually work for me. Use fresh honey and lemons tho, herbal teabags are pretty useless. If you can't bear the heat then cool it down.

You poor thing!
Reply 3
gargle on salt :biggrin:
Reply 4
salt...eww, are you serious or are you trying to make me look really stupid?

I've debated harassing my doc for help but I know they won't be able to fit me in and I really can't be bothered to argue with the receptionist over it.

I'm going to have to try all this after I've finished work although I'm sure by the end of my shift my voice will be kaput. I hope one of these suggestions works, thankyou.
Reply 5
Get an antiseptic throat spray from Boots.
Reply 6
Buy some TCP from the chemist - diluting it and gargling (as it instructs on the label) usually clears up a sore throat in a few days or at least makes it much better.
put a tea spoon of salt in warm water,gurgle it,it soothes it instantly
Reply 8
put lots of salt in warm/hot drinkable water and gargle
also but some throat soothing cream :smile:
Reply 9
Buy some TCP from the chemist - diluting it and gargling (as it instructs on the label) usually clears up a sore throat in a few days or at least makes it much better.

TCP is brilliant. it really is.
it nearly makes me sick, but my sore thoats are either gone or much better in the morning.
i hope it gets better soon.
enjoy your holiday! :cool:
Reply 10
drink lots and lots of water.
take disprin/asprin, that always works.
Strepsils and plenty of water
Reply 12
strepsils or tunes or soothers i prefer soothers there much better :biggrin:
Reply 13
I get sore throats and tonsilitis all the time, im even thinking of having my tonsils out in the near future so i know how really painful they can be sometimes and what an annoyance they are.

Heat does the trick for me, i usually wear a scarf wrapped round not too tight to keep my neck warm and drink not hot but warm drinks, it hurts at first to drink warm fluids but after a short while it does soothe it and gets rid of the croaky voice. Try eating warm custard or rice pudding if you really cant take tea or coffee anymore, it will help lubricate your throat and stop some of the pain.

The salt water gargle is the classic remedy, though i cant stand doing it myself and have managed to swallow a whole load of it in the past. Oh, another thing you could try is Airwaves chewing gum, i know its for blocked noses mainly but the vapours that they release are really powerful and go down the back of the throat which does seem to do the trick with me when im at college where its usually hard to get a decent cup of warm tea :wink:
Reply 14
Reply 15
I get really bad sore throats and I have a bit of a pathetic solution because I find drinking ribena like sipping it makes it feel better because it's so sticky that it's sort of soothing. That's the only thing that helps me, strepsils work for about 5 min and then it gets bad again - but this sore throat is glandular fever related and I've had it for over a year...
Reply 16
actually, regular boiled sweets really do help. i find lempsip is ghastly to take, so don't have that, even though it's medically beneficial. no, i suggest boiled sweets and lots of water.
Reply 17
This might sound absolutly rediculous, but I read in my home remedies book at home that wrapping a cold and damp cloth round your neck which you then couver with a dry scarf, left overnight should get rid of a sore throat. I tried it and in two nights it had worked.
Something to do with the damp cloth will dry with the heat from your body.... etc I would look it up if possible.
Otherwise, why not try sipping on lemon juice and sugurary water.
Gargling salt water is really effective cos the salt is antiseptic. And Dequacaine (sp?) is really good too...its antiseptic and anaesthetic! If it takes more than a week to go with no improvement go and see your doctor.
try some herbal tea or eat some pears. Never go for citrus fruits. They will make it worse.