Are eccentric people the most intelligent? What makes someone eccentric? Do you have to be eccentric to be intelligent? and other opinions about eccentricness linkes to intelligence. wicked. safe. mate.
There is no necessary link between intelligence and eccentricity. An issue that might lead to that assumption though is that when someone is ridiculously gifted at something such as maths for example, their brain may be somewhat defficient in other areas which might lead to them behaving in ways that could be construed as being eccentric. Another thing is they may really enjoy maths and spend a hell of a lot of time doing it and not enough time hanging out with people, which means again they may act in slightly different ways.
I hear it a habit of a lot of nerds (particularly in university maths/sciences departments) to deliberately exaggerate their eccentricity to appear smarter
no, i don't think eccentricity has anything to do with intelligence, it just means they have a trait which makes them unusal/wakey - any intelligence can have that.
If an unintelligent person acts weird they are just strange but if an intelligent person does it they are eccentric because people know they are smart so they must be something more than those weird idiots.
I saw someone smoking lammie bammies through a cigarette holder. Knob.
Really? What a pillock. If i hadn't repped some other person today already, I would have given it to you for that
University does tend to have a higher amount of tw*ts who ponce around pretending to be eccentric. Now, not that I think violence is cool, but I saw one monocled idiot calling a ned an 'insufferable peasant'. I doubt the ned knew the meaning of the words (being over 1 syllable in length), but knew it was insulting and smacked the guy one, shouting 'that's wha' yer gettin, ya speccy poof'.
And no, being eccentric doesn't equate to intelligence. A mildly autistic person would come across as being eccentric, and more often than not are of sub-normal intelligence.
As a rough guide, people who say they're eccentric aren't.
Agree with that totally. Slightly off topic, but I know quite a few "boring" people who say they are just to cover up for that fact that they are actually boring .
wow so if you say you are something, it usually means you aren't and vice versa. Although, when you say you are something, it can also mean that you are just try to cover up for the fact that you really are that thing. humans are so complicated.
wow so if you say you are something, it usually means you aren't and vice versa. Although, when you say you are something, it can also mean that you are just try to cover up for the fact that you really are that thing. humans are so complicated.
Of course that doesn't apply to everyone, I didn't mean that. Yes, I'm generalising, I was merely replying with what I'd noticed in a few people. Gee, that's now a crime .
Another thing is they may really enjoy maths and spend a hell of a lot of time doing it and not enough time hanging out with people, which means again they may act in slightly different ways
I think this is probably quite accurate. If you spend hours locked in a room by yourself doing whatever it is you do, you probably wont have a normal social life. I guess that might lead to some sort of mental problems which might be called eccentricity. Likewise, there are certain mental "problems" which cause people to become obsessive about certain things, or be extremely good at them and therefore more likely to spend a lot of time on them.