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Is Chemistry Needed For Biomedical Science?

is it ok if i dont have chemistry as an alevel and retake AS chemistry to do biomedical science at uni?
Reply 1
Check each universities Biomed Department, every University varies. I would have imagined that Chemistry and Biology are quite important for Biomedical science.
Reply 2
is it ok just at as level tho?
Reply 3
You'd really have to email the admissions tutors at whatever university you'rel looking at, it will take you 5 minutes max :smile: And they will be able to give you a rock solid answer.
Reply 4
To do Biomedical Science at Trent Uni, you dont need Chemistry at A level.
Not sure if that helped :confused:
Aside from what you need to get in I would recommend some post-GCSE chemistry for biomed as it will make it a hell of a lot easier. There is chemistry in the course and the more prepared you are for it the easier it will be.
Reply 6
generally its probably best to have chemistry at A level since its the harder to pick up, than biology.
Reply 7
Aside from what you need to get in I would recommend some post-GCSE chemistry for biomed as it will make it a hell of a lot easier. There is chemistry in the course and the more prepared you are for it the easier it will be.

Ditto. Adding to that, Chemistry is a great subject for any healthcare/medical course, and it will give you something to fall back on.
Not all unis require it, but i would strongly recommend that you do it if at all possible. Even people with chemistry A-levels found the chemistry quite challenging because it goes straight into degree level. If you don't do it and you do biomed at a decent uni, be prepared to do a LOT of extra work!
Reply 9
I did chemistry at as level and failed it miserably, but i still got on to biomed course with just biology and health and social care. does that mean im screwed? lol :confused:
Most definitely not, but you may have to put some extra work in on your course. Where are you taking it?
Reply 11
im doin it at chester uni. would u suggest any texts to get up to speed on it?:smile:
I would just recommend brushing up on your AS level chemistry, particularly things like molar and pH calculations, biochemistry (inc structures of important molecules) and organic chemistry in general. Use any AS revision guide i would think.
Reply 13
x.. chanz ..x
is it ok if i dont have chemistry as an alevel and retake AS chemistry to do biomedical science at uni?

The majority of good unis ask for "Chemistry and one other science, preferrably Biology" or "Chemistry and Biology required" or "Biology and one other science, preferrably Chemistry."

Point is, basically - you need 2 sciences and it's preferrably Bio and Chem. Chemistry is usually the one that's "required" and Biology is usually only "preferred". At Nottingham for Neuroscience though they only required Biology. Just the 1 science, as I remember, and it's Biology essential. But as I remember, Nottingham was the only uni to have Biology as essential. All the other unis wanted Chemistry as essential and Biology only preferred. If you have Maths or Physics next to Biology - then you stand a chance with Biomedical Sciences at uni cus the minimal requirement tends to be 2 sciences, but you will have limited yourself a great deal as to what unis will accept you. Like I said, only Nottingham did not require Chemistry.

What did you get in Chem? If you can carry on with it at A-Level, carry on with it. I got C at AS Chem and I carried on with it, to eventually end up with C at A2 Chem. I held 5 offers :biggrin: from Bristol, Nottingham, Manchester, Leeds and Reading - the first 3 some of the top in the country and the last 2 respectable unis. I'd applied to 5 different courses as well - Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Medical Sciences and Pathobiology, respectively. I had Biology at grade A in AS though. My offers were all BBB except for Manchester, who wanted AAB, which is kinda why I turned their offer down lol. So all my courses were Biomedical Sciences - Neuroscience is in the School of Biomedical Sciences certainly. (I ended up with ABC in the end, Art, Biology, Chem respectively, and my firm took me :biggrin: namely Notts)
Reply 14
Not all unis require it, but i would strongly recommend that you do it if at all possible. Even people with chemistry A-levels found the chemistry quite challenging because it goes straight into degree level. If you don't do it and you do biomed at a decent uni, be prepared to do a LOT of extra work!

Well for Neuroscience there wasn't much Chemistry - but that was the course that didn't require you to have Chemistry at A-Level. During the first 2 weeks or so of the year, they recapped on all A-Level Bio and Chem material. It went very fast though - was pretty dull for me and everyone else who did both A-Levels, but it must've been quite helpful to some others. With Biomed it's likely to include Genetics stuff - I'd class Genetics of Biochem orientated so with that module, a lot lot of extra work might really be needed. I never understood Genetics lol.
Original post by Beccy!
I did chemistry at as level and failed it miserably, but i still got on to biomed course with just biology and health and social care. does that mean im screwed? lol :confused:

How is it now? Cuz I wanna do bio medical science but I only have biology and health and social care but not chemistry
not sure about an admissions requirement but a level chemistry was extremely helpful for the biochemistry modules during my biomed degree, was definitely ahead of those that didn’t do it
Original post by x.. chanz ..x
is it ok if i dont have chemistry as an alevel and retake AS chemistry to do biomedical science at uni?
You do not necessarily have to do an A Level in order to do biomedical science. You can do a Level 3 Applied Science course. University for example, Chester University and Bolton University accept BTEC qualifications. Chester accepts DMM for Medical Science which is 3 year degree which can enable you to become a biomedical scientist straight after.Hope this helps, best of luck to you!

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