The Student Room Group

Weasel or Ferret, which one do you like more?

I've looked at pictures and I think a weasel.
What are the differences (physical, mental etc) between stoat, polecat, weasel, ferret, mink and mongoose (especially between weasel and ferret).
I have a theory in mind and knowing which is stronger, bigger, more intelligent, more cunning etc between weasels and ferrets...
Which is a better pet. I know that ferrets were never "wild" and are domisticated but I can't find more for the others.
Cheers :smile:
Reply 1
Blush Babe
I've looked at pictures and I think a weasel.
What are the differences (physical, mental etc) between stoat, polecat, weasel, ferret, mink and mongoose (especially between weasel and ferret).
I have a theory in mind and knowing which is stronger, bigger, more intelligent, more cunning etc between weasels and ferrets...
Which is a better pet. I know that ferrets were never "wild" and are domisticated but I can't find more for the others.
Cheers :smile:

polecats because they stink
Reply 2
polecats because they stink

They do?
Funny, so do ferrets unless you de-scent them...
Reply 3
I prefer smurfs.
Reply 4
I prefer smurfs.

Whats a smurf?
Reply 5
Its a general misconception that ferrets and polecats are the same, ferrets are white with pink eyes, whereas polecats are a combination of browns, blacks and creams. Both have a distinctive smell (arent I beling polite? lol), which can be helped as mentiond already by having them descented. Both make great pets I have owned 9 of the little buggas and loved every minute, that was 9 at once btw, not over the years :smile:.

Dont know much about the others, although isnt mink an protected species? mongooses are those things that kill snakes, weasels are a lot smaller than ferrets.

Ferrets and polecats, are intelligent, can be trained, are very clean, very similar to cats, they only mess in one corner. They are carnivorous so feeding them dead birds, some raw meats would help their diet, although you can buy ferret food from pet stores now as well as ferret shampoo, vitamin supplements etc.
Reply 6
Its a general misconception that ferrets and polecats are the same, ferrets are white with pink eyes, whereas polecats are a combination of browns, blacks and creams. Both have a distinctive smell (arent I beling polite? lol), which can be helped as mentiond already by having them descented. Both make great pets I have owned 9 of the little buggas and loved every minute, that was 9 at once btw, not over the years :smile:.

Dont know much about the others, although isnt mink an protected species? mongooses are those things that kill snakes, weasels are a lot smaller than ferrets.

Ferrets and polecats, are intelligent, can be trained, are very clean, very similar to cats, they only mess in one corner. They are carnivorous so feeding them dead birds, some raw meats would help their diet, although you can buy ferret food from pet stores now as well as ferret shampoo, vitamin supplements etc.

I want one! (although I'd still rather have a smurf)
Reply 7
I want one! (although I'd still rather have a smurf)

lol, Ive got 3, hmmm spoze u could say 4 if you include my mother :P
Reply 8
ferrets are white with pink eyes, whereas polecats are a combination of browns, blacks and creams.[=QUOTE]

Actually I'm sorry to correct you but ferrets are not albinos. Originally, ferrets are brown and black but albinos were bred because the Greeks (they are originated from Greece not Egypt) used them for rats and at night the albinos could be seen. Hence albinos are more common but brown is the original colour (Google it at images).

Are Weasels really smaller :confused: ?
Reply 9
Blush Babe
Whats a smurf?

A smurf is a kids tv show in the UK, dont know if its broadcast anywhere else, they live in smurf land, are small, blue and white hmm the males are do believe the girls are a different colour, over to Zapsta on that one :smile:
Reply 10
I want one! (although I'd still rather have a smurf)

What's a smurf???
Reply 11
lol, Ive got 3, hmmm spoze u could say 4 if you include my mother :P

What, smurfs? Your mum's a smurf? W00t? You're mum can't be a smurf, all smurfs are male. Unless she's an artificial smurf. Is your mum an artificially created smurf?
Reply 12
[QUOTE="Babe" Blush="Blush"]
ferrets are white with pink eyes, whereas polecats are a combination of browns, blacks and creams.[=QUOTE]

Actually I'm sorry to correct you but ferrets are not albinos. Originally, ferrets are brown and black but albinos were bred because the Greeks (they are originated from Greece not Egypt) used them for rats and at night the albinos could be seen. Hence albinos are more common but brown is the original colour (Google it at images).

Are Weasels really smaller :confused: ?

Cheers for the correction, wasnt sure if the albinos were the originals and polecats a cross breed :smile: I prefer polecats, think they are a lot cuter. Must admit did name mine and walk them, Alfie, Tango, Pepsi, Nipper being a few of their names. Tango and Pepsi because as kittens they used to dip their noses in my drink and share it, if I let them.
Reply 13
What, smurfs? Your mum's a smurf? W00t? You're mum can't be a smurf, all smurfs are male. Unless she's an artificial smurf. Is your mum an artificially created smurf?

:wink: shes small enough to be standing at 4ft 6inches, compared to myself at 5ft 8 and my father at over 6ft.

There are female smurfs, arent they pink?

Give me the good old wombles, cute, furry and useful :biggrin:
Reply 14
:wink: shes small enough to be standing at 4ft 6inches, compared to myself at 5ft 8 and my father at over 6ft.

There are female smurfs, arent they pink?

Give me the good old wombles, cute, furry and useful :biggrin:

The only female smurf was Smurfette. She was blue like the other smurfs, but articially created by evil Gargamel in his evil in an attempt to lure the smurfs to his evil castle. However the plan only half worked. The smurfs fell in love with her but she also fell in love with them. She therefore became one of the smurfs (even though she is not really one of them).
Reply 15
The only female smurf was Smurfette. She was blue like the other smurfs, but articially created by evil Gargamel in his evil in an attempt to lure the smurfs to his evil castle. However the plan only half worked. The smurfs fell in love with her but she also fell in love with them. She therefore became one of the smurfs (even though she is not really one of them).

OMG, Im so out of touch, bring back the smurfs to our tv's. I did use to own an album by them, smurfing christmas, darent say how long back, will give my age away :P