There are two types of girl, the one who when she finds out a guy has a girlfriend will back off, and the type who will go after him anyway, i am the first type, and it is the second that we must be wary of. Guys are the same, some dont care if you have a boyfriend and will keep coming after you.
And its all well and good to say "I love my boyfriend and we trust each other", but how do you know that you are actually perfect for each other? Either of u mite meet someone unintentionally one day, not actually looking to meet anyone, it could be a friend or co worker, and you find you have a better connection with this person and decide you should be with this person instead of your partner. Theres no way of protecting against it. So i think we have a right to be suspicious and insecure, because no relationship is certain and definate. Ive come to accept that if there is someone better for him out there than me, then why should i stand in the way of his happiness. Aslong as he doesnt actually cheat on me as in sleeping with or kissing the person whilst he is with me then ill have to accept it despite how hurt i will be. As you can see, im not an optomist, rather i am a realist, so be realistic and just enjoy your time together. (Also this thread has touched a nerve with me so sorry for extra long post)