The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I sometimes go to bed shaking and worried about things. I think i am just scared of being alone as i don't relaly have friends around or a girlfriend.

I dont have breathing probs in the day when around people but soon as i go to bed i seem to start breathing fast on occassions at least.

Has anyone ever had this problem?:confused:

:hugs: I often worry/think about things before I go to sleep too (although I don't start shaking or breathing faster). You could try relaxing and taking your mind off things that you may be worried about. Maybe read a book just before you go to bed and try writing your worries down before bed so you are 'getting them off your chest'

Hope that helps :smile:
Reply 2
Re-edited because your post wasnt there before i started my reply :p: I did read in a forum that shaking is because of a fear of dieing. I dont know i guess i am just needing someone to be with i guess
Reply 3
Invite people to stay round your house.
Reply 4
Sounds like your having anxiety attacks or something. Just remember before you go to sleep everything you want to be achieved can be done so in the next day, each day is new and fresh.
Reply 5

Sorry, it wasn't very clear :smile:

Just make sure you wind down before you go to bed so you're more relaxed and less likely to worry about things :smile:
Reply 6
Re-edited because your post wasnt there before i started my reply :p: I did read in a forum that shaking is because of a fear of dieing. I dont know i guess i am just needing someone to be with i guess

Oh, I see :smile:

:frown: :hugs:
Yes, I quite often cant sleep and out of the blue my heart starts to beat really fast and I get all sweaty, and feel out of breath, when all I was doing was lying down trying to sleep. I do tend to think/worry about things, so its probably that. I saw my GP about it, and he gave me some sleeping pills, which just make me sleepy all day so i stopped using them. If you are breathing fast it could be a minor anxiety attack, best thing to do is try and calm yourself down, breathe easy, get out of bed and walk around, Ive found having a cold glass of water helps.
Reply 8
Cool Cat_88
Sorry, it wasn't very clear :smile:

Just make sure you wind down before you go to bed so you're more relaxed and less likely to worry about things :smile:

NONO It WAS Clear It wasnt a reply to your post:p: At the moment in time i had no replies so just put that ? in order for my post to move to the top for a reply then you must have made your first post just before me and now it looks like it was a reply to your post:p: so i re-edited it once i saw that my post came after yours lol :p:
Reply 9
NONO It WAS Clear It wasnt a reply to your post:p: At the moment in time i had no replies so just put that ? in order for my post to move to the top for a reply then you must have made your first post just before me and now it looks like it was a reply to your post:p: so i re-edited it once i saw that my post came after yours lol :p:

Yeah, I realised that you had re-edited it just after I posted that reply :p:
Reply 10
Cool Cat_88
Yeah, I realised that you had re-edited it just after I posted that reply :p:

thanks for replying anyways all of you:smile:
Reply 11
I sometimes go to bed shaking and worried about things. I think i am just scared of being alone as i don't relaly have friends around or a girlfriend.

I dont have breathing probs in the day when around people but soon as i go to bed i seem to start breathing fast on occassions at least.

Has anyone ever had this problem?:confused:

i dunno. i've never had that problem because i'm not bothered about friends and relationships, there have been times where i've started shaking or go dizzy while going to sleep, or breathing quickly for no reason.. but its not often.
sounds like mini panic attacks, just try breathing really slowly and deeply for a few minutes, and try to remember that things always seem worse at night than they do in the morning! I used to get panic attacks where i would all of a sudden feel like i coldn't breathe and be in a complete state, but u can train urself to deal with the panicky feelings when u get them.
Reply 13
I often only really think about things when I'm lying in bed at night; yet somehow any problems always seem so much worse then! :p:

I think the best thing to do if you start to panic, is to sit up and take a few deep breaths. Get a drink of water if you feel you need it, and if you don't feel calm enough to try sleeping again yet, then read a book or watch the television for a bit. Do anything which might help distract you, and also possibly make you a bit more tired. :smile:

If it's stopping you from getting to sleep, then it might be worse getting an appointment with your GP. It sounds like you're suffering from anxiety at the very least, and (s)he might be able to give you advice as to how you can deal with attacks. :smile:

I hope you feel better soon! :smile:
Reply 14
Thanks for your help i feel better now. I am starting to get little headaches aswell but i think that might be stress.
Reply 15
maybe listen to some of your favourite music? something calming preferably. i find the sound of people talking sends me off - so any talk radio stations or in my case, listenin to the ricky gervais show aga over and over, work a treat :smile:
I often have nights when I can't stop shaking and generally feel really rough and have a bad stomach. Its really weird. I'll feel absolutely fine and then I'll go to bed and begin to feel rubbish!
My sister had exactly the same thing. I think her thyroid gland was overproductive or something. However she grew out of it so hopefully you will too.

Maybe you should try to make sure you're really sleepy when going to bed by staying up an hour later or something.
Invite people to stay round your house.

Every single night.......:dontknow: