The Student Room Group

You are what you eat

As anyone read the book? Anyway there is a questionaire which you answer yes or no to and then add up the yes's to get a score to see if you are eating properly. On one of questions it says 'were you breastfed as a child?' but what has the past got to do with it? I had a problem with this a few months ago everyone thought I was mad but I was worried and annoyed at my mum cause I wasn't breastfed at all, Ive read all this stuff about formula fed people being at higher risk for cancer etc. Anyway I finally got over it lol and realised how patheticly childish and insane I was being and now I see this:rolleyes:

I know I sound stupid but I can't be making a fuss over nothing if im required to answer a question like that to test how healthy I am!
Reply 1
If you were breastfed your mother will have passed on antibodies in her milk that make you immune to more things. Sorry I can't be more technical than that, I'm not on steady ground when it comes to this subject but I know that much.
Reply 2
If you were breastfed your mother will have passed on antibodies in her milk that make you immune to more things. Sorry I can't be more technical than that, I'm not on steady ground when it comes to this subject but I know that much.

Its ok, but Ive heard thats only temporary. How come Im so bothered by this, I mean no one else seems to care whether they were breast fed or not.
Reply 3
I don't really know what you're looking for here, to be honest.
Reply 4
It's probably because you're very insecure, and are blaming your inadequacies on your mother. Maybe. :biggrin:
Reply 5
yea basically all that happens is your mother passes on her antibodys so that you are immune for a short while to everything that she was immune to (its known as passive immunity i think) then it wears off as your own antibodys recognise the foriegn mother antibodies and destroy them, apart from that i dont know what else your looking for, its only temporary to give the newborn the best chance of survival,
Reply 6
But the other thing is babies on formula milk are more likely to have weight problems because breast-fed babies stop and start when they want, whereas a bottle fed baby drinks x amount in a day. There's also evidence to suggest old-fashioned baby charts put a healthy baby as too big, resulting in overfeeding.
Reply 7
Has anyone here got into vegetable and fruit smoothies, and heard of Jason Vale.

Vegetable juices sound disgusting don't they, haha. If you make a Spinach and Celery juice it is but add loads of Carrots and Apples and it tastes like heaven. Having a pint in the morning plus a fruit smoothie and salad and jeez you feel incredible.

No ill feelings, tons of energy and just an appetite for l:suith: in life, which I do! It'll be wierd taking my juicer etc to Uni in Sept but i'm going to do and be unconventional.

To the question of you are what you eat, I wholeheartedly agree.:biggrin: